
joined 11 months ago
[–] Radicaldog 5 points 4 months ago

Cheers for the citation

[–] Radicaldog 4 points 4 months ago

I guess it's the one I care least about that I listed. Substitute in the overtly racist subreddits, if you wish, as they surely didn't deserve a platform.

[–] Radicaldog 4 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Seems like one to be wary of reviews for. At each publication, the person who enjoyed part 1 will be excitedly picking up this job, while anyone who disliked part 1 will be passing. I guess the main benefit is it matches the audience; if you didn't like part 1, reviews won't convince you this is worth it.

On balance, I like that they're deviating from the original. I dislike that the main deviation is padding it into 3 games.

[–] Radicaldog 19 points 4 months ago (10 children)

The myth of Aaron Swartz continues...

He was a big proponent of free speech absolutism. He'd have been more than happy with the jailbait subs, watchpeopledie, fatpeoplehate etc. I really don't think he deserves a free pass just because Reddit wasn't enshittifying while he was around, as it was in a growth phase. It had other problems which needed resolution.

[–] Radicaldog 9 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Not really, except for where they re-take your biometrics to confirm. More often, biometrics get turned into digital info which can't be changed. If a scammer gets your DNA biometric, tough shit, you're now unable to change it and deny the scammer access. It is a huge boon for some forms of fraud.

[–] Radicaldog 2 points 4 months ago

I'm enjoying it so far :)

[–] Radicaldog 10 points 4 months ago

Someone spent a while telling me Nier Automata was great, and it took a couple years before I got independently interested. My punishment is the same fate, of telling others it's great, and no-one trying it.

Same with Return of the Obra Dinn, which has a niche art style but a captivating set of mysteries.

[–] Radicaldog 3 points 4 months ago (2 children)

If I'm taking one thing from this thread, it's that I'm most likely to click on something called "Desiny Potato".

[–] Radicaldog 7 points 4 months ago

But it was a frozen banana street food, not a literal supermarket banana. Feels like we might be within a decade of street food snacks costing $10!

[–] Radicaldog 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

Windows' relentless backwards compatibility is underrated, but it's so damn nice I can still play games from 2005 effortlessly. Android has been a shitshow in comparison, as even when mobile gaming wasn't so shit (Doodle Jump, Angry Birds etc), the whole era has been almost wiped from existence.

[–] Radicaldog 0 points 4 months ago

Not on the banned list, have at it.

[–] Radicaldog 0 points 4 months ago

I wonder if it could scoop up images when listed as a series, before moving it to your Movies folder. Would need the setting turned on to keep images in the content folder. The textual metadata would need adding manually either way, but could be a shortcut.

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