But just the tip.
Elmex ist eine der guten Zahnpasta Optionen, die man hat. Zusammen mit meridol sind es nach meinem Kenntnisstand die beiden besten.
Schade dass sie sich beim Marketing offenbar dazu gedrängt fühlen die Zielgruppe der Menschen, die an diesen vollkommenen Quatsch glauben der sich Homöopathie nennt, anzusprechen.
In this case it is the government spending money from taxes paid by the people to improve the lives of the people who elected the government to govern the country to make it worth living in.
I'm not sure my brain can handle this.
Imo it bonks. But either way it looks nice.
I'm very good at trying to sleep.
That never helped anyone with this problem.
Been there. Not my proudest moment. But not shameful either. 6/10. Had a lot worse breakfasts.
Sometimes it isn't the guys you least expected.
It's such a shitty joke. But I sometimes like shitty jokes.