I think you nailed the highlight and shadow placements. Looking forward to it with all the details painted and all the blends smoothed out.
When you pray for the lord to have mercy, they have to dispense it somehow. That part made sense to me as a kid.
However why would God have to buy one? And from whom? Who manufactures these mercy dispensers for God? Why wouldn't God just make them into existence?
When I learned that it was Mercedes Benz I came to understand that even God needs to abide by trademark law.
If the room and sink were cleaner I couldn't tell if it was a designer piece or broken.
I honestly think it looks kinda awesome.
I'd argue sleeping enough results in getting more shit done and with less mistakes.
They have already been canceled.
I always hate this who slept the least competition at work. Often it ends in everyone agreeing sleep is so overrated. Need to get shut done.
When I hear all of that I am certain sleep is very much underrated.
Bald dann nur noch einen Sender.
Das liegt so offensichtlich an völlig unregulierten und nicht einsehbaren Algorithmen, die auf maximale Interaktion und Sucht optimiert werden.
Eine unregulierte Droge in den Taschen der meisten Menschen hier im Lande.
Psychologische Forschung in Waffenform, die ja schon vielfach für den Informationskrieg genutzt wurde.
Riesige Tech Firmen haben unseren kulturellen Austausch im Griff und pressen dabei Informationen aus uns heraus, die sie an den höchstbietenden verkaufen.
Für mehr Werbung die uns weiter Manipuliert.
They know you can't improve on a master piece.
Die sammeln jetzt schon Gründe für den Moment, wenn sie die Verfassung dann abschaffen.
Sehr interessant. Danke fürs teilen!