Because cows calve calves
Legit great post. Niche error, with potential fixes. Almost unheard of in the modern web.
Relentless. If she could get inside you, she would.
I expect you’re right
Saw this quote somewhere recently and have been looking forward to using it, but “You’re the colonists. We’re the ones that stayed here”.
Yeah it was, but goddamn I really wanted that Alien vs Predator game.
Yeah fuck it, let’s not bother gaining any more understanding of human biological function. Shut down the labs boys, we’re done here.
UK here. Quite a rural area in the mid-90s, and worlds away from US gun culture, but one time our school was playing rugby against another rival school and a lad brought in a .22 air rifle and shot one of their players in the ass from the edge of the pitch. It was hilarious for those not involved, kid got a telling off and may have been briefly suspended, but thinking about how that would have been reported these days it would probably have caused national outrage.
I am. And this amounts to selective censorship.
I don’t think there is one. The Impressia app (iOS) does though.
If everyone resets, and their memory is retained, then perhaps less would change than you’d expect. For example, if you wanted to organise an event for the following day (ie today, but again), then it’s still possible to plan. In which case, many things about life actually stay the same. Only the physicality of things actually change. For people not already suffering, it’s actually a great mechanism for freedom, since the shackles of money, food, health etc are no longer a concern.