With the premise thqt being a good president =/= being a good person: Washington Adams Jefferson Lincoln FDR Wilson Carter Sorta LBJ as long as you don't think he was involved in JFK death And phucket Obom'ner, you have to admit he was nationally gridlocked but it was a much better time for America plus Obamacare saved and improved lives
Very informative, thanks
Bold of you to say that when we're in a mass extinction era. It ain't the mass extinction of humans
Grapefruit juice is an exception to this
I could understand how this would appeal to someone with extreme social anxiety or someone really pressed for time, but in reality I don't care for this at all. I'll wait in line for 2-5 minutes or scan it myself at self checkout if I'm really pressed for time for some reason
Yawn. Costco > Sam's club (ew, Walmart) for treating employees, plus Kirkland brand is the best store-name brand. Btw you can have a digital card on Costco app. I'm not even sure what your reason was for canceling, and for some reason I read your whole comment twice
Where grapefruit spoon?
I use Connect for Android and everyone's name is the same. Couldn't be happier with Connect, actually
To your point "Starbucks annual net income for 2023 was $4.125B, a 25.69%" https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/SBUX/starbucks/net-income#:~:text=Starbucks%20net%20income%20for%20the,a%2025.69%25%20increase%20from%202022.
What's balls?
Well Ackshualllyy it's spelled ackchewallheee
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