What are you guys doing to bottle the sauce? I had a nice fermented batch of peppers, pureed it and put it into bottles, but they all grew mold in the bottles.
Red alert!!
Easy, make a gene drive for a recessive gene that causes infertility, problem solved.
Is this serious? Err on the side of caution, you can always add salt later, but you can't unsalt a dish.
The problem with community-edited cookbooks is that you end up with multiple recipes for the same dish. I just searched for hummus on such a site and got 246 results. It has become useless over the years.
I got the questionnaire and an interview and the psychiatrists said, yeah that's probably ADHD.
The real epiphany I had when I went into a group therapy setting and suddenly I was somewhere where everyone fucking understood me! That's how I came to actually believe, yeah, it's probably ADHD.
However the diagnosis turned out to be somewhat irrelevant, what's relevant is to change yourself so that you can live with yourself.
That actually explains it, really, a good read.
Samesies, phone gave me high data usage warning yesterday for the fist time in forever, because connect in a day used up what rif used in a month.
When I started, I meticulously logged everything into a classic notebook. Just things like "planted lettuce", later "lettuce died because of frost", then "replanted lettuce", "first lettuce harvest", "lettuce bolts except variety X", to give examples.
The use of that was that I could look back and see when I went wrong and what I was doing right, facilitating faster learning. Also I could create a monthly to do-list from the entries. I did this for three years.
I used Google tables (practically Excel) to plan the vegetable garden. Seeding and planting times go in one sheet, then one sheet per year, one line per garden row (one meter lines separated by 30cm in my case), into blocks of lines to facilitate rotation. After a few years, I stopped the massive experimenting and cut down to things that worked. The plan is stable since 2018, I modify on the fly, often according to the amount of seedlings I made.
Yeah good so this is going to be my first comment on this platform.
Sind, wie so viele vegane Produkte, sowieso schon zu teuer gewesen. Wenn die veganen Ersatzprodukte weiter 2, 3 oder auch mal 5 mal so teuer sind, bleiben sie nur ein Trend, und lässt die vielen Menschen, die preisbewusst einkaufen müssen oder wollen, außen vor. Das geht alles völlig in die falsche Richtung!
Aber es gibt ja Konkurrenz. Die Lidl Eigenmarke ist genauso. Das Problem bei Lidl ist wie immer, ob sie es auch da haben, weil Lidl immer diese wahnsinnigen gemischten Kollies bestellt, bei denen dann immer die Sachen wochenlang liegen bleiben, die keiner haben will. Nachdem die nach 5 Wochen abgelaufen sind, gibt es auch mal für ein paar Tage Pfirsich oder Kirsche, hurra. Denkst, Du bist in der DDR.
Edit: blättere auch gerade Prospekte, Penny Eigenmarke 1,11/500g.