Is this not fairly likely in the US with Mexican Spanish or/and Canadian/Cajun French?
Thanks I'll look into it when I get some downtime! I already found the scaling by 125 or 150 percent options, but they really scale things pixel by pixel, which is very ugly and tiring on the eyes.
Seamless adaption to higher DPI when I work remotely on my work Windows machine. The RDP clients will just expand the desktop and everything is very small when I WFH. mstsc will change the size of everything but legacy apps according to the DPI of the display.
Wenn man es voll drauf anlegt und auf Effizienz und Qualität pfeift, kann es mit wenigen Tagen plusminus klappen. Die Blühphase ist durch die Sorte bestimmt, wann sie mit dem Blühen anfangen, bestimmst man selbst. Die schnellsten brauchen so 7 Wochen. Man kann die Pflanzen quasi sofort in die Blüte schicken und dafür ganz viele in eher kleinen Töpfen haben, die je nur einen Bud produzieren. Als Privatanbauer geht das nicht, man darf ja nur drei haben, aber als Club mit viel Raum, warum nicht.
Dann kann man früher oder später ernten, je nachdem, was für eine Wirkung man möchte, oder man schneidet halt, wenn 10 Prozent THC erreicht sind, high macht das auch, die Woche bis der Optimalwert erreicht ist, braucht man nicht abwarten.
Ja, und dann muss man natürlich schnelltrocknen, 4 Wochen curing haben die wohl nicht gemacht.
Wer's glaubt?
1347 was the first year of the plague.
The shortage is not due to an aging population, it's because nobody wants to go into this field.
And that is due to the pay not reflecting the extreme exploitation of the workers, in an environment that's not very conducive to a happy life. They all end up burnt out and have nothing to show for it.
They tried keeping the pay down by hiring Eastern European medical personnel, who would work below their qualifications (doctors as nurses for example), but apparently they don't want to work here anymore.
The problem has been going on for such a long time it is now systemic.
Seriously, "aging population"?
So the reason is that they can't deliver gas beyond the first of January anyway due to Ukraine shutting down the pipeline, and due to unfulfilled obligations they wouldn't receive payments anyway, so they can shut the delivery down right now. And politically, they obviously see no harm in burning even the last few bridges into the West. Or maybe Gazprom is so broke, they can't afford it even if they wanted to.
Walking will help sort your guts out as well, so by going for a late walk, you can take the problem to the outside!
Otherwise it's probably just a question of your gut biome having a lot of gas producing parts.
We should really start to believe them when they say these things, and prepare accordingly.
Super! 👍 Ich habe erst durch den Kontakt mit Italienern verstanden, wie schwer Deutsch eigentlich ist. Ich hätte mir eine andere Sprache ausgesucht!
Bleib dabei, denn wie der Ami sagt: use it, or lose it.
Edit: Du hast den Konjunktiv noch gar nicht gehabt, "ich hätte" = "I would have", und "sich etwas aussuchen" = "to choose/select something".
Ist das nicht Code für Menstruationsbeschwerden?
The monopoly on the use of force is quite the important part of having a state at all. If a state doesn't have that, it descends into anarchy (the bad kind, with warlords and gangs). The US is very exceptional in this case as it has in its constitution the provision that such gangs (militia) are allowed, even desirable.