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[–] Podunk 3 points 1 day ago

new orleans. It took less effort to find out than it took you to link to wikipedia in your comment.

[–] Podunk 28 points 1 day ago

Run government like a buisiness they said.

Lets fire everyone in accounts receivable they say.

I know what direction this "business" is going...

Fucking morons.

[–] Podunk 4 points 1 day ago

Canada and mexico will absolutely crater first if pushed. Canada can maybe afford it short term and make trump blink first. They have a better position. Sheinbaum, for all the credit ill give her for not being a complete stooge like a good portion of the world expected, is in a much tighter predicament. I want her to go toe to toe. She has showed she isnt a puppet. But i dont think she can afford to hold out as long as necessary. Politically or economically.

[–] Podunk 33 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Surely short term stock acquisitions are not really what is happening right now, right?

This (relatively) small fry market manipulation is 100% elons M.O. it's how hes done business when not fleecing the fed for cash. Its why he was forced to buy twitter for fucks sake. but they arent really taking the short term discount acquisitions over the long term, are they?

If they are... Its... just so stupid. If it is something else, let me know.

[–] Podunk 2 points 2 days ago

"Tin soldiers and nixons comming..."

[–] Podunk -1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I dont see any more straw man arguments in my arguement than you have in yours.

When there is evidence for why the kid wasnt vaccinated, i will amend my public opinion. Until the reporters or an agency can say definately that the kid died because the family was antivax, i will withold my judgement. Until then, they are a sad statistic in an embarrasing resurgence of a shitty disease.

Odds are very good that you're right, and im appalled that this is happening. but im not condemning them until i have actual evidence. And there is nothing wrong with withholding that judgement. And that is my point.

[–] Podunk 0 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Inference in this case is only reinforcing your preconceptions and bias. There is no hard evidence in this article.

Wait. Hold up... i get what you are saying.

We dont like "the others" They are "the enemy" "They arent like us." "They should burn for their beliefs and what they do to the rest of us. " "They hurt our communities." "They sicken our people."

Your inference is reductive and crass. It is the excuse of homophobes and racists and facists across the god damn world.

But you didnt realize that at all, did you?

You are so caught up in being right and villifying a community with no actual evidence, that you forgot that there are sick and dying children.

Infer my ass. Where is your empathy?

[–] Podunk 0 points 1 week ago (5 children)

It doesnt.

It also doesnt say that the kid was the child of anti vax minnonites. It doesnt say that they were poor, or the closest hospital was 45 miles away and they had no car. It doesnt say they were a recent immigrant. That seams like easy ammunition for the right. Would be an easy way to demonize people if it were.

It doesnt say any of that.

It could have been. But you dont know. And neither do i.

See how that works?

[–] Podunk 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I thought making blanket judgements about entire communities or groups of people is something we were supposed to think a little harder about.

And saying they deserve it is also something we are supposed to avoid.

Maybe by imposing my moral standard on others im not making the best argument, but i feel obligated to point it out.

[–] Podunk 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

my degree was in journalism. In a past life i was a reporter. Shit job. I have had lots of shit jobs since. I completely understand what you are saying.

But, if they cant explicitly say it, then you probably shouldnt extrapolate. When the evidence is clear, then by all means evicerate whoever you want.

Just because the propoganda is something you agree with, doesnt mean it isnt propoganda. You have been given a roadmap, but you do not have evidence.

I also agree with your point. I know they cant say it out loud. But i draw the line at wishing ill on the parents of dead kids.

And once again, my point is, you dont know if the kid was part of the minnonite community that refuses vaccines, or if it was the neighbor kid. You do not know if there were other factors that prevented the kid getting that vaccine. Poverty, lack of healthcare, or an immunocompromised child.

[–] Podunk -1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Show me where in the article it says the kid that died was from an anti vax family. It doesnt.

My point is, poverty and lack of health facilities play a huge role in kids not getting vaccinated. Its outlined in the article i replied with.

This whole thread is jumping to conclusions, extrapolating with no evidence, and condemning the parents of dead kids

It sounds familiar. It sounds. Kinda like... antivaxers.

[–] Podunk -1 points 1 week ago (15 children)

I suggest you educate yourself before you wish ill on people you know nothing about. That comment is absolutely vile.

Poverty And Lack Of Health Insurance Keep Kids Unvaccinated Too : Shots - Health News https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/05/20/724468630/the-other-reasons-kids-arent-getting-vaccinations-poverty-and-health-care-access

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