Missing a huge piece of information in the title and article: were they at least halfway across? Uniformed military members cannot cross the boarder conducting operations. As fucked as this situation is, Texas conducting military operations on Mexican soil is a whole lot worse. Given the tone of the article and the fact that they didn’t say, leads me to believe they were not on US soil and the guardsman could not do anything.
I’m an engineer for the US federal government. We will get 1000+ applications for a super stable fully remote engineering positions that pay less that 70% of the market rate for entry level positions.
Start getting your games repo’d
Normally, these provide an interesting and rational take on events but this one is awful. The democratic narrative of “what about these issues” is crap. Launching baseless investigations in election years to influence elections is a disgusting abuse of power. That’s the democratic narrative.
The republican narrative of them following evidence is also crap. There is no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden. Saying they are following evidence implies there is evidence to follow.
The cynical narrative of “both sides” is also crap. Clear evidence of coercing of our allies for political gain and leading a literal insurrection completely justify impeachment. Implying the democrats used those impeachments as a political theater is painfully disingenuous.
I seriously doubt Trump actually picked his SC nominees. Some aid probably presented him with a list of three names and he picked the coolest sounding ones. They are Federalist Society judges, not MAGA republicans. They don’t give a shit about protecting Trump (except maybe the one with a huge conflict of interest)
Republicans always support a new war. These “aid” packages come in the form of weapons. These weapons come from republican donors. They start with supporting the new war and work their way back to why. Remember when Trump was trying to make an Iran war happen? I’m sure there are some nutcases who believe that this will start the end times, but really this is Fox News selling the idea of war.
I don’t think it is as much loving Jews as it is hating Muslims.
Streaming should be the golden age for more niche content. We should be experiencing a boom in lower budget shows not trying to become the next huge thing. Instead the media conglomerates are trying to buy lottery tickets with ultra bland general interest shows. It makes me sad.
What? There was no polio vaccine patent. The inventor literally did exactly what I suggested. He made his work freely available so that it could not be patented. Volvo made a business decision to make their patent freely usable and we are still talking about it. Their brand has been permanently associated with safety because of it.
Once again, this is not true. They do what is called a prior art search as part of issuing a patent. They look worldwide for anything that could be considered your invention before your filing date before issuing a patent. Even after a patent is issued, if prior art is presented to the patent office they can rescind the patent. It’s a form and like $100. You don’t need a lawyer to bring prior art to the patent office’s attention. The legal battle will be between the patent office and the patent troll if they are trying to contest the prior art.
There’s so many. Oreo changed their cream filling and you can see they only fill the rows by like 2/3 now Ebay (I honestly don’t know anyone who hasn’t had problems on the platform how are they still in business?) When I was a teen, my manager at dominoes fired me after I caught him stealing my tips. I wont even eat free dominoes
The society of automotive engineers doesn’t have that authority. Now if the DOT or another government agency was to say that, it would be a different story.