This is what I’m saying man. We should resist, but it cannot be just one person, it has to be many so that Trump cannot get rid of all of us at once.
We should allow any 1 of the 50 states prosecute the federal gov. Its the only way to balance stuff out if the President is the person making all the appointments
But we don’t have the excuse that Germany did in the 1920s when they let Hitler take over. Our situation isn’t anywhere near bad enough to turn our trust over to such a mad man.
“But her emails!”
I don’t know why everyone thinks America is in such deep trouble. Our medium family income, still way higher than rest of world. The number of people who starve to death in America is rock-bottom compared to basically everywhere in Asia and Africa. And since the 1970s crime has been on a steady downward trajectory.
Our country was doing just fine people just think that it was going to the shitter so that they could sell your snake oil 
I agree with this. Every now and then I think I meet someone who really is worried about grocery prices but then I thought well no cause that just means they’re more worried about grocery store prices and they are about race bigotry in xenophobia.
Or take his land and try to build a hotel chain on it…
Sorry I wasn’t saying that there should be open war. I mean like, I don’t know, what if Trump and Musk both happen to get some sorta serious food poisoning while visiting the G8 Summit or something. Wouldn’t that suck?
I’m not saying I want this to happen, but I wonder if having Trump, Vance and Musk around becomes such an issue that a different country decides that they’re a national security threat and decides that they must be “removed”…
Maybe not for USAid; but it makes me very concerned that Elon Musk might have information about intelligence operations overseas, and he could literally spoil operation and put other people at risk … it just grinds my gears that he has so much government information and he hasn’t even gone through a confirmation hearing of any sort. 
This was a popular thing when I was young, and yes there was a debate over what state laws/federal laws wanted, but Kansas has a very interesting history - were runaway slaves left Missouri and headed into Lawrence and people of Missouri took the law into their own hands to hunt down fugitive- runaway slaves, sometimes because they just wanted the bounty or the reward.
In one incident, the sheriff from a city in Missouri was shot at and as a response people from Missouri Road into Lawrence and burnt down most of the big buildings and killed a couple of people and stole several horses. This was known as the border war and it occurred far before 1861. It was all about racism, hatred, and money, and it had absolutely nothing to do with state rights 
Lol. U only say that cause he has more convictions than Jerry Seinfeld has cars.