
joined 1 year ago
[–] Pika 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

if it has access to health it likely has sleep schedule already

[–] Pika 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Personally speaking, I don't agree with hostile takeovers. but honestly I feel something should be done about it. it sets a potential precedent where communities in other instances can make ghost communities and just park the name. In a perfect world, the new mods should be someone who was active in the community and not some random person who requested it but, honestly that is a lot of work, and if the moderation team didn't bother to want to do that work, I wouldn't see it unfit to have the admin team make the decision, be it nuke the community, or reassign another mod or something. Honestly though it's their instance, if they see it fit they could just choose to do nothing but, I feel it would be best for the instance to not have parked communities, especially big name communities such as Android that people would want to have as a community, it hinders growth of the instance (not that this instance is in dire need of more growth but long term)

I would be all for an addition of some sort of "Dead Community" policy(if there isn't one already, but I have not seen it). It could be as simple as communities that are intending to park have so many days before the community gets purged, or it could have a similar system that Facebook, Discord, Reddit(although they abused this policy) and other sites have where it's handled on a case by case basis upon a request being brought up.

[–] Pika 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

how do we make them assign a new team

You can't make anyone do anything, but you can put in place a policy indicating what happens if moderation power is lost in a community. Facebook has one, Discord has one, Reddit has one, Chatango has one (well.. had one before it died lol), it's not a new concept, nor is it a bad one, it is just the way Reddit went about doing so that was disagreed on by the majority of the community that left the platform.

but to answer the question, the way IMO it should be implemented(in the event of a community being hard locked with no intention of coming back) is:

The community remains parked until someone shows interest in a community, open a support request via the support community, admins verify the claim, then transfers ownership over. That's the standard practice for most services I've seen so far. Preferably there may be a clause to make sure the user requesting it has actually participated in the community but, honestly that's more than what should need to happen in this case.

They could also just instead of dealing with it in the first place, once they verify the mod team isn't coming back, they could just nuke the community, then its first come first serve as if the community had never existed in the first place, but I would prefer the previous option myself as the nuke method is more of a sledgehammer solution since everyone who was part of that community would need to re-sub

There's arguments that they should run a community poll but, that's more effort then needed, just wait till someone steps forward wanting the parked community, transfer it to them, and then call it a day. After that it's not a concern of the admin team in my opinion. Can't really see any other decent ways of doing so.

[–] Pika 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

this would be easy to enforce at least at the instance level, have a rule against it, if it happens anyway admin level can either nuke the community via the purge option or can reassign a new team for it.

The argument here isn't forcing the mods to keep the community open, the argument is if they are closing it indefinitely they should be deleting the community or reassigning a new team on it.

[–] Pika 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

I originally disliked this, but I was thinking about it and have changed my mind. Yea this isn't right. if you are closing a community it should be deleted to allow freedom for the next person to use the name. It wouldn't be enforceable at a federation level but, this 100% would be a good instance level rule. Don't take me wrong, I am not against temporary locks for issues internally or for staffing problems, but what was done here was essentially in the domain world what is called a "park" where the name is no longer available for anyone else, but is not being used. I don't think Parking should be allowed, it inhibits growth. This sets a precedent where it would be allowed to make ghost communities here that exist in other instances solely so the community can't exist here as well, it's very anti-user and in my opinion potentially anti-federation.

[–] Pika 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I agree with temporary locking due to staffing or internal issues. A permanent lock is not something that should be allowed. If it's a permanent close delete the community, even reddit had that process as part of it's SOP. The entire mindset of it is you can have your own communities and separation. In this case it is now impossible to host an android community on this instance with the name "android" which is their entire intent(they don't want to fracture the community). I find this no different then the user that was banned a few days ago for making a bunch of popular community names, the result is the same just at a lower quantity.

[–] Pika 7 points 1 year ago

I agree with this mindset. If they chose to leave they should delete or replace the community. it shouldn't be locked status, it's against what I've found the mindset of lemmy is.

[–] Pika 5 points 1 year ago

I don't think it's going to mean much for normal users. Some super old devices might no longer be able to run to run the kernel (and therefore unable to be on android 15), but aside from that I think that not much is changing. This generally gets bumped every iteration anyway.

[–] Pika 9 points 1 year ago

it gets even better. they also hard bake it into system apps so you are unable to even rewrite it to use your prefered browser, you used to be able to modify the protocal name or headername microsoft-edge:// but they removed the ability to touch it.

[–] Pika 2 points 1 year ago

side loading has always been available on apple Iphones, it's just been locked exclusively down to their developer program for debugging and testing purposes and said installed apps are only valid for a limited amount of time. I expect it will use the same framework that the dev program uses, just not as restricted. That being said i can forsee them region locking it.

[–] Pika 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I would bet against that, not enough userbase to be worth them even concidering the exception.

[–] Pika 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I have not had any issues with it, the only two scripts i use is universal link switcher and a modified GM new tab script so any community or post i click on opens in a new tab instead of in the same window. Neither of which I've noticed causing massive lag though.

It could be the mutation observer the script makes, it makes an observer for every lemmy page you are on and that is known to possibly cause lag on some machines.

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