
joined 2 years ago
[–] PickTheStick 2 points 1 year ago

It's funny you say that. On all the possibly scammy websites that I sign up for, I used Marc xxx as my name, and somehow I did get some texts using that name. I still wonder how they connected my cell# to throwaway emails and a made up name.

[–] PickTheStick 5 points 1 year ago

It probably falls under the 'not illegal' category. They got the number somehow, and I would bet it's from some stupid agreement that lets a company sell his number and whoever buys it is allowed to send messages to it.

It's also hard to get harassment charges for these, since realistically it is hard to contact the assholes and tell them to stop sending messages, which is required for most cases. There's also the issue that harassment needs to be a repeated thing (and usually after being told to stop) from the same source/conspiracy. If you could prove all of these different messages were from the exact same organization, or that each entity sending the messages had collaborated, you could possibly get a judge to agree that harassment took place. Then, of course, your issue becomes the question of who did the harassment. If the judge/jury believes that it was a particular individual at the corporation, maybe that person could be prosecuted, but if they only will say that it was the entity, like a PAC or LLC or inc. or whatever, you're boned. No one holds business/political entities accountable.

All that to say... those of us who get these messages are boned, with little legal recourse. I just block the numbers and delete. It seems like it works, because I haven't gotten any messages like OP did for the last year or so. They must reuse numbers to send texts.

[–] PickTheStick 10 points 1 year ago

I wonder if there's any service that can 'fake' the $20 for a little while...

[–] PickTheStick 1 points 1 year ago

o.O You had to scientifically blather about every other condition, but couldn't use diaphoresis? For shame, little dude.

[–] PickTheStick 4 points 1 year ago

Is she snitching? Does an informant really snitch? If she was a plant the whole time, how could she be morally deplorable for turning on these very fun guys?

[–] PickTheStick 5 points 1 year ago

To be fair, he ate chips with a neat soundtrack and flashy cuts. Whooooah.

[–] PickTheStick 4 points 1 year ago

Yes, so much this. Every time I have to do something in the engine bay, I get a friend. A six-pack, a dinner, or whatever other small favor they need in return returns gold for pennies in the investment. If only the damn engineers would have the incentive to make working in the engine as easy as changing the oil (though Subaru even fucked that one up), life would be a breeze.

[–] PickTheStick 1 points 1 year ago

I'm pretty sure the post/phrase is the additional context. If I'm going to make a post about "there was an attempt to..." I'm going to use language to point out the boggartness of the whole affair. Like, really, who uses "behind" to refer to an ass on the internet? Put it together with the female part and the title was clearly trying to come across as asinine and mocking the incel language.

[–] PickTheStick 2 points 1 year ago

The hilarious part is, I really did read that in a sort of british accent. Just mentally put it as 'orn, 'obby,' and 'ydrogen atom.

[–] PickTheStick 10 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Generally female and male are terms used in more 'scientific' or exact language. I wouldn't say, "I met a group of females last night," but rather "I hung out with some women at the bar." It sounds awkward to use female/male in casual conversation for the typical English speaker. on the other hand, if I was writing a paper and discussing the research subjects, I would definitely say something like, "The research cohort consisted of 22 males, ranging in age from 21-34 years old (mean 24.5, SD 1.3), and 31 females, ranging in age from 20-39 years old (mean 25.6, SD 2.1)."

It's come to be considered derogatory for the same reason as retarded, mentally challenged, intellectually disabled, etc. have come to be derogatory: feelings built by consensus and time. A large group of people don't like the average 'incel,' and then they got the idea that incels were using the term 'female' in place of woman because they didn't see humans of the female variety to be 'people' in the same way they viewed males.

[–] PickTheStick 23 points 1 year ago

It missed the best part: It wasn't even after shitting. The person who noticed what was going on tracked deaths between doctors who had just come from a cadaver and then went and delivered babies. So it wasn't shit they were spreading, it was literal death boogies being brought and slathered on vaginas and neonates.

[–] PickTheStick 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It's still hiding it, just like when a corporation changes their name, or is bought out by another but doesn't change their name. Yes, you can figure it out by going to a website somewhere, or reading a newspaper from a decade ago... plenty of ways to find out, it's just slightly less obvious.

I never said it was in bad faith.

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