
joined 2 years ago
[–] Perhyte 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

EST is UTC-5, so tell your friend that it'll be between 14:00-14:30 EST on the 22nd of February.

[–] Perhyte 1 points 4 months ago

My Linux laptop is set to check for updates daily, which I then apply manually when I notice the tray icon. I sometimes procrastinate when it comes to reboots though.

My Android phone is on auto-update, which seems to mean whenever it's being charging for a few hours (so typically when charging overnight). Because the battery is still pretty good and I don't need to charge daily, that comes down to once every 2-3 nights or so.

My personal Linux servers (which run my self-hosted apps) are configured to automatically apply all updates (and reboot if necessary afterwards) at the time of day I'm most likely to be awake and available to manually fix stuff if anything goes wrong. The Docker-containers that run on them mostly get auto-updated to the latest version every 6 hours by Watchtower. A few containers have more cautious policies though, ranging from pinning a major version (but auto-upgrading to new minor versions within that) to pinning a specific version and at most sending a notification if there's an update. The latter is limited to stuff that has broken before and/or where newer releases are known to be buggy or incompatible.

When it comes to major updates (i.e. new distro releases) of my Linux machines, I typically wait about a month before upgrading because I've been bitten by release-day bugs before.

[–] Perhyte 2 points 5 months ago (3 children)

I've never used Rust or Zig, but for Go: (disclaimer: this is all from memory, so there may be inaccuracies or out-of-date information here)

Go does not allow circular references between modules. That restriction allows the compiler, when compiling a module, to not only put the compiled machine code in the resulting object file for that module but also the information that in C would be required to be in a header file (i.e. type definitions, function signatures, and even complete functions if they're considered candidates for inlining, etc.). When compiling a module that imports others, the compiler reads that stuff back out of those files. Essentially a compiled Go library has it's auto-generated "header file" baked-in.

In older versions this was actually human-readable: an early part of the object file would essentially look like trimmed-down Go when opened in a text editor. IIRC they've switched to a binary serialization format for this some years back, but AFAIK it still essentially works the same.

I guess when comparing to C or C++, you could compare this to automatically generating pre-compiled headers for every module, except the headers themselves are also auto-generated (as you alluded to in your post).

If by "shared library" you mean a dynamically linked one: IIRC Go does allow shared libraries to be used, but by default all Go code is linked statically (though libraries written in other languages may be dynamically linked by default, if you import a module that requires it).

[–] Perhyte 8 points 5 months ago (1 children)

No idea about the Lemmy hosting bit, but I highly doubt that .com you got will renew at $1 going forward. Judging by this list it'll most likely be $9+ after the first year.

At $1/year, the registrar you used is taking a loss because they pay more than that to the registry for it. They might be fine with that for the first year to get you in the door, but they'd presumably prefer to be profitable in the long term.

[–] Perhyte 7 points 6 months ago

Clearly he's actually the BBEG lich in disguise. Time for a phylactery hunt! ;)

[–] Perhyte 6 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (1 children)

Have you also enabled Bot Fight Mode? (There's a setting to "Block AI bots" that seems useful in your situation)

[–] Perhyte 4 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

In Europe I get a voting pass sent in the mail for every election. To vote I have to show both this pass and a valid ID.

In the Netherlands it doesn't even have to be a valid ID. If it hasn't been expired for more than 5 years it's fine for voting purposes.

[–] Perhyte 2 points 6 months ago

Try exiting it and then make sure no tmux process is still running, by for example running ps -aux | grep tmux.

For future reference: the command to kill the tmux daemon (and as a side-effect, all other running tmux processes connected to it) is tmux kill-server (or in tmux, typing :kill-server, assuming default keybindings).

[–] Perhyte 3 points 7 months ago
[–] Perhyte 3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

The -b in crond -b means to run it as a daemon (in the background), though it appears that is also the default (source). This means the script will continue, but since that's the last line it exits. With the entrypoint stopped, the container also stops.

The fix should be to replace that line with exec crond -f so the crond process runs in the foreground and becomes the main process running in the container, replacing the entrypoint script. crond -f without exec should also work, but that needlessly keeps an extra process (the shell running the entrypoint script) alive.

[–] Perhyte 28 points 7 months ago (1 children)

You don't actually have to set all the modification dates to now, you can pick any other timestamp you want. So to preserve the order of the files, you could just have the script sort the list of files by date, then update the modification date of the oldest file to some fixed time ago, the second-oldest to a bit later, and so on.

You could even exclude recently-edited files because the real modification dates are probably more relevant for those. For example, if you only process files older than 3 months, and update those starting from "6 months old"^1^, that just leaves remembering to run that script at least once a year or so. Just pick a date and put a recurring reminder in your calendar.

^1^: I picked 6 months there to leave some slack, in case you procrastinate your next run or it's otherwise delayed because you're out sick or on vacation or something.

[–] Perhyte 6 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

These signs were detected higher in the atmosphere, where the temperature and pressure are more reasonable. And since it took until now to detect the presence of the ammonia, it's probably not a large component of the atmosphere.

So not boiling hot and probably not that much ammonia. That still leaves the thick clouds of sulfuric acid though, those are still very much a thing any probe or mission to Venus would have to be able to deal with.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Perhyte to c/cloudflare

The following were just added to the list of supported TLDs: app boo channel dad day dev esq foo how mov new nexus page phd prof rsvp soy

Only app and dev were previously mentioned as "available soon".

submitted 2 years ago by Perhyte to c/xkcd
submitted 2 years ago by Perhyte to c/xkcd
submitted 2 years ago by Perhyte to c/xkcd
submitted 2 years ago by Perhyte to c/xkcd
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