Oof I feel bad for his partner had no idea he was in pairs from the way he's been talked/meme'd about....
Most Olympic athletes are young and wear fashion athletic clothes donated by endorsers who help pay them. In addition in the shooting category you're (as I understand it) allowed a certain amount of tech to help you out. This man is older, didn't wear the endorsed fashion clothes or the tech and won ~~gold~~ silver so he feels like a rare "every man" win in the Olympics. He is not an "every man" (believe he's a decorated military and police man in his country), but a lot more people can relate to him winning ~~gold~~ silver than a 14 year old who's been training for this since diapers in a fashion house outfit.
Just feathers pinned to it. Was common to have overly decorated hats if you could afford it in ways we wouldn't consider fashionable today (Mrs. True's hat looks like a modern flower cake also lol). This tradition is not dead, for some modern examples check out the royal ascot races, kind of a fun/funny tradition.
Gith became resistant to the mind control over the millenia. This is why in 5e the race has psychic resistance. The duergar were also slaves of the mind flayers and this is why they have psionic fortitude. There's some other races that have been altered due to being enslaved (derro, kuo-toa, quaggoth), usually resulting in some form of psionics and madness.
Part of what makes mind flayers interesting because their society touched and left scars on a lot of other races. Gith are just the loudest about it in part because they live in the Astral Sea where time doesn't age them so, outside of dying during raids, many of the gith who rebelled can easily still be around leading to the rebellion being fresh in the gith's minds (as opposed to the duergar for example who live on the material plane in normal time and have had empires rise and fall and numerous generations since the enslavement).
Personally don't really find the snack sized Cthulhu aspect that interesting. What really interests me about them is the lore about them once being a great empire of douchebags who were overthrown by those they oppressed (gith) who then took their place politically and now hunt them down. Says a lot BG3 focused on this lore over the Cthulhu monster aspect. Just some good lore building which could have (and I'm sure has) gone to any other races.
If I'm into the story, yes. Feel like this kind of question doesn't understand that a lot of stories only have going for them resolving one or two questions. Once you know the answer the rest of the story is so average it's hard to care to finish. For example I read a lot of otome isekai (tl;dr romance novels where the heroine was sucked into a novel/game). Once you know the twist it's just a subpar story.
That said if a story is kind of shitty and I'm considering dropping it, but I read a spoiler the twist is actually really good and puts the crappy parts in an interesting context I'll keep reading. So case by case, reader by reader basis. I have stories I only finished because I read a spoiler, but I have just as many I never finished because I read a spoiler.
It's not the kraft variety.
Yulo was also offered lifetime supplies of free buffets, baked mac and cheese, and chicken inasal, a grilled chicken dish, by various chain restaurants.
I know Stinky Dragon edits stuff out to keep the run time down. I assume for live streams the DMs just use the "it's dead when it narratively fits/needs to happen to stop bad rolls from dragging this out an hour" rule and players know to focus more instead of spending 30min on cock jokes after finding a cock fight that then devolves into a heist plan to free all animals in the village and make them the masters of their own fates lol.
Historians' best kept secret: Roman aerial dogfights
Women to the left and right of that one appear to be holding crowns and laurel leaves (sign of triumph for Romans). So I assume the one you're referencing is holding the winner's sceptor for some kind of games this is possibly referencing.
"After approaching the coelacanth to encourage it to move between two cameras positioned on a custom-made stand, the team turned on the lights. "At this depth, some think that there is no light," says Ballesta. "There is [very] nice light. It's tiny, it's soft, but there is still light. So, it's important to not use too much artificial light. It's like driving in a car at night. If you put your lights on full, you see just in front of the car, and all the rest is dark. If you switch off your lights – and there is a little bit of moon – suddenly you see everything: the road, the mountains, the forest. It's the same when you're deep.""
For anyone else wondering.
There are podcasts out there that are more to the point. Honestly it's like old radio. Talk shows are just going to be more popular cause like said it feels more like hanging out with friends.
If you don't like that format though look for podcasts with only one person on the cast (or if they have another person it's someone they're interviewing). There's a lot of great history podcasts that are one person presenting, they have a script, they get through it in 20 minutes. You don't have to listen to ten minutes of shooting the shit and "personalities" first, they just get straight to it and edit to keep it tight. Fiction story and play podcasts (ttrpg) also have a good representation in this category too (though they also have plenty of round table discussion ones so you'll have to vet).