
joined 1 year ago
[–] Paragone 18 points 2 weeks ago

Remember how Hitler called Churchill "a firebrand" & threat-to-all-Europe?

Projecting AND gaslighting, both, same as his template, who acted 8 decades before.

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[–] Paragone 0 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Knowing what's really going-on, in this world, as unconscious-mind's imprint->reaction mind tries to smash all considered-reasoning from having ANY say in the world, aka The Great Filter,

I'd not be surprised if Trump threatened to outright-nuke Ukraina for disobeying his agreement with Putin.

People are fools to think that sociopathy-psychopathy isn't running the world, now, calling the real shots.

The fascist-nihilist network actually wants all others butchered, & they want to have fun during the roller-coaster-ride as they preside-over/enforce it, as the ruling "kings".

NEVER mistake an opponent playing a negative-sum-game ( nihilist-sadists, e.g. ) for an opponent who is playing a zero-sum-game ( narcissists ), or an opponent who is playing a positive-sum-game ( win-win alliance ).

Fatal folly is worthless, as "strategy".

[–] Paragone 0 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Sorry, but the ideological-split in the US is such that no-more-than 2/3 of the US could be siding with Nazis.

No matter how convenient, it isn't wise karma to be oversimplifying & labeling everybody-in-a-country as being on 1 ideological side.

Same with Israel, where the good people are finding they cannot speak truth openly, & live in fear..

Same with the US..

Same with all countries which go that route.

In WW2 there were Germans, in Germany, who worked to dismantle/end Nazi rule, for Germany, & they were loyal to their values. 1 book on that is named, iirc, "An Honorable Defeat".

Ignoring actual-diversity, for ideological oversimplification, makes one into part-of-the-same-problem, objectively..

non-thinking, only reacting, just like Nazis..

Whatever: I don't expect more than 100 million or 150 million to survive US Civil War Part2's completion, maybe that's waaay too optimistic, but given that about 2/3 of the US's voters are good with male-supremacism & white-supremacism, it's going to be the most huge & vicious civil war this planet's seen in awhile, with more guns in it than any previous one ( nearly-all owned by the Trump-side of it, too )..

maybe I shouldn't expect more than 50 million to survive it..

going to be a very-bad next-decade, on this continent..

.. sigh ..

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[–] Paragone 2 points 2 weeks ago

this I hadn't known..

thanks for telling us, here!

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[–] Paragone 2 points 2 weeks ago

Trump apparently doesn't let Ukraina have any say in the negotiations, only a take-it-or-leave-it between Trump's determined "settlement" or continued-war, possibly with Trump backing Russia, as the alternative..

EU cannot make Trump play by "the rules".

As some have, through the years, pointed-out: when some guy with a gun, who seems to be spazzing on drugs, accosts you & demands you cooperate with him..

the rules are quite different from the normal-social-rules..

Trump's going to be in power until the US is completely-destroyed, in Civil War Part2 ( which should begin -/+ 1y of the won't-be-allowed-to-remove-Trump 2028 election, so there should be nothing-left of usable US of A by .. 2032? ).

Same as with Assad: either he is king/lord, XOR there's nothing-left-for-anybody.

& he's got the whole machinery, CIA, NSA, military, everything, backing him,

& with all the civil-rights-loyal people quitting as quickly as they can, in protest, so that his authority becomes as unfettered as can be, as quickly as possible..

( anti-strategy, but natural, of course )

What he actually-can-do, isn't what the "rule books" allow..

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[–] Paragone 0 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Trump used to be Putin's apprentice, now he has enough assumed-power that he can boss Putin around, even with whatever it is that Putin's got on him.

The relationship is reversing, if not already-reversed.

Trump's spoken admiration of Putin's openly murdering anyone who gets in his way is still not-yet-tested, in the US, but it is going to be, within 5y.

( there won't be any 2028 election, which would be to remove Trump, so US Civil War Part2 begins -/+ 1y of 2028, roughly.

as Catholics say: "dog in the manger-ism": if he can't possess the US of A, exclusively, then NOBODY can, & he'll make-certain that, like Assad, there's simply nothing-left of it, when he can't )

Voters had their chance, & they decided they weren't responsible, so, .. they won't have the right-to-vote in the future.

Trump did promise his followers that they wouldn't have to vote, anymore..

Trump's rising, Putin's becoming helpless, as Trump & China own/control more & more & more in-spite-of Putin's dwindling power, it seems..

China wants Russia to be just a decorative cloth glove on CCP's fist, or a vassal-state.

Modi, in India, bet the farm on Russia's protecting India from China..

both got played, & lost.

Exactly as Russia spending money on North Korean troops who haven't even got the competence to avoid being out in the open ( & therefore they keep just getting shot ) was another surprise for Russia..

I think it was China who put Putin up to the televised/advertised teleconference-between-China-&-Russia when Trump's inaugeration was going-on: that was a slap-in-the-face to Trump, putting Putin down.. which was to China's advantage..

Russia may be only a puppet-nation, now, for Trump & China, with a few more months of work..

( think of how it would be to China's advantage to have "Russia" butchering-up Eastern Europe, taking the blame, weakening NATO, etc, so that when the real push-comes-to-shove, all that has been settled in BRICS's favor, with Russia bearing the blame, NOT China.. disposable puppet-nations are useful, in the game of geopolitics )

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[–] Paragone 14 points 2 weeks ago

it isn't a "trade war", it's an operation to force Canada into bankruptcy, so that it can be claimed & the people currently populating Canada suddenly become "illegal aliens in America", & deported.

The Liberal Party handed Trump the near-bankruptcy of Canada, & now all Trump has to do is finish the job.

He meant it when he identified that he wants Greenland, Canada, Panama, etc, as possessions..

he's got the clout, & neither political-parties nor moneyarchy cares, really, who the current string-pullers are: all they care about is that nobody & nothing compete successfully with political-parties or with moneyarchy, respectively, so they have that as their alliance..

Oligarchy, lobbying owning the "representatives", & political-parties which couldn't put national-health 1st if it was ordered by G-D.

I wouldn't be surprised if, in a future escalation, he put sanctions on any corporation or country which did significant trade with Canada, just to enforce the collapse, that his guns could then come in "saving".

"war by other means" is all it is.

Same as his not bothering allowing Ukraina to have any say in the negotiations over Ukraina's release from Russia's genocide-war..

it's normal, now, this kind of only-authoritarianism-has-any-say "governing", in the countries "rising"..

Considered-reasoning's being extinguished, globally: only extremism's going to remain, within 3 years?

it's looking more & more like that..

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[–] Paragone 3 points 2 weeks ago

Minority-governments are significantly better than do-anything-the-want-majority governments..

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[–] Paragone 1 points 2 weeks ago

is a book apparently on Israel's systematic-murder of threats-to-its-dominion,

& I can't imagine this Israel not-murdering-off all such who work for Rule of Just Law.

Evil's evil, no matter which faction's flag it "wears".

Its ways are consistent.

"Those who don't understand history .. re-enact it, unwittingly.", right?

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[–] Paragone 0 points 2 weeks ago

Unless ALL non-US NATO members pick-up-the-slack, and more,

THEN Russia's pet, Trump, is going to continue escalating the butchery of Western-security.

Canada's nearly-bankrupt, & has been slacking on NATO contributions for decades, ttbomk..

This isn't going to work, thanks to the traditional/entrenched irresponsibility of political-governments

( & who has outgrown politics? Not 1 single country, yet.

Perhaps fatal, that, for humankind ).

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[–] Paragone 1 points 2 weeks ago

You've just identified that Canada needs Greenland to not separate from Denmark, XOR we've lost our opportunity!

: p

[–] Paragone 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

rather, the male-supremacists & the passive-white-supremacists voted against Harris, handing the victory to Trump.

The Dems living-in-Hopium, Biden hanging-on-too-long, gutting Harris's opportunity, etc, didn't help any, but the root on-the-ground-truth, is that no boomers, nor any machos, were voting for any nonwhite woman president, & that swung the votes FAR harder than the left-press was willing to believe.

G-D itself sees, its law ( what a Soul/Continuum sows, that-specific-Soul/Continuum reaps, no matter what, still is Universal LAW, though, so .. this world chose to "blow its brains out" through its anti-accountability/anti-responsibility addiction, & that is going to be playing-out through the rest of this century, until it's all done ) sees/enforces objectively, so no-matter-what-believers-pretend, objectivity's getting enforced.

Objectivity is the single "religion" that all ideologies/prejudices/"religions" prohibit from being valid.

Who's bigger: Universe or collective-human-ignorance??

Natural Selection's going to display the truth..

Universe moves-on, & if we won't grow-up, then we haven't any place left in Universe.

Show me ANY faction who holds that truth to be their center?

Just as a herd of herdbeasts who stampede off a cliff don't get Universe's "undoing" that, so they can have a special extra-chance .. we don't either.

Countless worlds, strewn through coundless universes-of-this-kind, in an endless-stream..

Our narcissism is the root-problem: "God revolves around us: God is going to glorify us, God exempted us ( only this-faction! ) from having to grow-up! We only have to be making-believing!"

is humankind's most-normal answer.

Ever tried arguing with a junkie who's nearly-dead, about saving their life instead of taking more "junk"?

Humankind's behaving like that junkie..

Sometimes you just have to let-go, witness, & move-on..

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