Knowing what's really going-on, in this world, as unconscious-mind's imprint->reaction mind tries to smash all considered-reasoning from having ANY say in the world, aka The Great Filter,
I'd not be surprised if Trump threatened to outright-nuke Ukraina for disobeying his agreement with Putin.
People are fools to think that sociopathy-psychopathy isn't running the world, now, calling the real shots.
The fascist-nihilist network actually wants all others butchered, & they want to have fun during the roller-coaster-ride as they preside-over/enforce it, as the ruling "kings".
NEVER mistake an opponent playing a negative-sum-game ( nihilist-sadists, e.g. ) for an opponent who is playing a zero-sum-game ( narcissists ), or an opponent who is playing a positive-sum-game ( win-win alliance ).
Fatal folly is worthless, as "strategy".
Remember how Hitler called Churchill "a firebrand" & threat-to-all-Europe?
Projecting AND gaslighting, both, same as his template, who acted 8 decades before.
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