
joined 1 year ago
[–] Paragone 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

You mean like when Russia shot-down a jetliner which was off-course due to an avionic-error, years ago?

That started a war?

[–] Paragone 1 points 1 month ago


it depends on what that gov't money's in, doesn't it?

Education, properly-done, pays back many times over.

Corruption-removal does, too.

Trustworthy-infrastructure does, too.

Eradicating economic-waste, through effective regulation, does, too..

( ever heard of a sloppy-engineered, sloppy-configured, sloppy-built race-engine winning a NASCAR race?


Only the tightest-regulated engines CAN compete at the top?

It's the same with rightly regulated economies: efficient, quick, agile, low-waste, instant-accountability, low-corruption, low-lossage, etc.


I cannot understand why sooo many people reject that tightly-regulated race-engines win, & for the same principle/reason .. tightly-regulated-in-the-right-way economies win in the world-economy.

Ideology apparently prevents many from knowing the meaning, that is true, but good grief, it's obvious-as-hell, once seen, isn't it?

The tightest-economy has to be better than the sludge-corruption-and-inertia-economy, right?

whatever.. )

( :

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[–] Paragone 1 points 1 month ago

I suspect Trump will be using hangings or guillotines to remove some of the people he can't stand, in the next-decade of his dictatorship..

I've no idea if he'll have the balls to be so blatent right up-front,

but by the beginning of the 2030's, KKK-style murder-worship'll be happening, at-least, if not "burning at the stake" & outright human-sacrifice-worship for Trump.

People are ignoring the progression of personality-transformation he's going through..

Absolute-psychopathy's going to be ruling him, in less than a year, I bet..

then, as that progresses.. then it gets worse..

My point is simply that both sides, ideological-prejudice & ruthless-uprightness can use guillotines to clean-up government, but "clean up" has opposite meanings, for opposite sides, you know?

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[–] Paragone 2 points 1 month ago

You're ignoring that he promised his followers that they wouldn't have to vote, anymore..

Don't expect to ever be allowed to vote him out.

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[–] Paragone 1 points 1 month ago

Putin always has the option of going nihilist.

That is dangerous, when nukes are in the held-hand.

IF Putin decides "Russia's finished, & I can't live, so LET'S TAKE-OUT AS MUCH OF THE WORLD AS WE CAN!!",

THEN .. there are consequences, you know?

He's GOT nukes.

He IS narcissist, machiavellian, psychopath, possibly nihilist, sadistic, & systemically-dishonest.

I want that possibly nihilistic kept off our lives.

Doing it in a gradual way might be better..

but still doing it..

( of course, Trump's a Putin ally, so Ukraina's fucked, come January,

as NATO is going to be, through the next 2 decades of Trump's dictatorship )

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[–] Paragone 1 points 1 month ago

I've glanced at that, & .. happen to agree with the guy, on some points..

( depends on interpretation:

Iran being incapable of self-governance so long as the entrenched political-rot won't allow any integrity into Iranian-governing .. is hard fact, in my eyes.. )

I'm seeing only 13 identification-of-comments, they're all removed, of course, so it isn't possible to consider whether it was his-bias, community-bias, mod-bias, clusterfuck-of-misinterpretations, or some "special mixture" of these, together, that is the root-problem..

Given how lets-all-pile-on-against-the-downvoted-guy is part of reddit & lemmy culture, as I've experienced, many a time,

.. the fact that someone got 200 downvotes isn't itself proof of their wrongness or harmness..

Their being blindly pro-Israel, .. that I cannot agree with,

& according to the elder rabbis who I've seen videos of, back when the Zionists 1st enacted laws setting-this-all-up, there was a prominent rabbi who spoke that something similar to fascism, or nazism, I forget which term he used, had just been enabled, & within 30 years it would produce its results..

that has been borne out.

Apparently he was the only rabbi with the massive clout to be able to speak that truth openly, at the time..

& now .. well, ideological-rabies is taking-over the entire world, with the help of social-cyber-warfare..

To me there's a problem that many are ignoring, & that is the problem of living in assumption & making-believing, until it's terminally too-late,

as the US Left did, in the last election, & Romania did, just after.

EITHER you keep politically-inconvenient-truths in-your-face, XOR you remain "unconscious-at-the-wheel", as the Left has proven its committment to doing, again & again & again..

Because I'm not permitted to judge based on evidence, & am only told that the judging proves he had no place..

I don't consider that to be good-enough for me to side against him.

I require to see, with my own eyes, evidence, before deciding that somebody actually is harmful, you know?


Whatever: maybe he was a troll, & maybe he was fed-up with ideological-idiots, & maybe it was a mixture of both, & maybe there is another dimension-of-explanation I'm not perceiving..

but since evidence is what I'm not permitted to consider, then I have no right to judge, do I?

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[–] Paragone 1 points 1 month ago

THE most-famous convict in the entire-world, Yehoshua "Jesus" benJoseph, agreed with you,

while calling legalists "Hypocrites!"..

I don't hold the Christian bible to be my scripture ( it's contaminated, it blocked-out Gospel of Mary, while including idiocies, etc ), there's some good points in it, sometimes..

has some interesting perspective on judging..

WHEN you've got narcissism/machiavellianism/sociopathy-psychopathy/nihilism/sadism/systemic-dishonesty judging,

THEN it isn't going to tolerate accountability, responsibility, etc.

It's going to murder-from-its-world accountability & responsibility, as the psychopaths who rule some countries already do.

The ICC's supposed to get precisely those people, but apparently France has decided that those who didn't agree to ICC's jurisdiction are exempt from being arrested.

Russia exemplifies outright DarkHexad ( the 6 factors of human-evil I've found, identified above, you've probably heard of DarkTriad, the 3 admitted by the professional psychologists ), & its judgement is intentionally DarkHexad.

Some reject truth because "truth" gives their identity, or faction, or political-power, or wealth, gain.

ALWAYS this kind of thing is fighting-for-ownership-of-the-world..

Even the incompetently-drafted-laws which we enact while "pretending" they won't be used to abuse the ones who never committed crime, are systematic dishonest-judgement, but in enacting, not in judging-according-to-the-enacted-law.

As for "truth is a fact you cannot decide: it just is", well, in some physics-cases, that may well be true, but in all statistically determined physics that no-longer is true, is it?

3-sigmas is "discovered" in some branches of science, but 5-sigmas is "discovered" in particle-physics, right?

There's decision going on, there..

Fundamentally, IF someone won't accept responsibility for their own nondecision or their decision, THEN Universe is just going to keep recycling their Continuum/Soul, FOREVER, until it earns integrity.

Universe recycles ALL energies contained within it, whether physical, like waves ( as "particles" actually are, in QM ), or immaterial, like meaning/knowing, or probability-waves/will/intent.

Law, like engineering, is essentially: you create work which DOESN'T PERMIT malfunction.

All you have to do is to decide how much you're going to pay to achieve a certain degree-of-certainty in prohibiting malfunction.

Want a perfect-law?

it's going to require serious work.

Shoddy law? that can be done quickly, without too much effort, right?

However, the more laws there are, the more their interactions become complex..

& then RightLaw becomes more & more & more costly!

Worse, ideologues enact laws whenever they can, so as to break considered-reasoning from the legislation & legal-practice processes..

So, yes the dishonest, & the ideological/prejudiced/"religious"/programmed will intentionally "interpret" laws so as to do harm to whomever they're contempting..

& shoddy law cannot be "rightly" interpreted because it wasn't ever right, in the 1st place..

But that doesn't in ANY way negate the responsibility of the ones judging, when they're judging.

Russia's government is openly evil: they even sent incinerators along with their troops, for sake of eradicating evidence/accountability, into Ukraina.

Don't be a "bot" for them, by pushing that that's as valid as proper uprightness, though.

They can "decide" that objectivity is criminality, & that disinformation authorized by their regime is what "True" means,

but gaslighters are gaslighters.

Never help them against integrity.

Never help local corruption against integrity.

Cut them every time, & teach them that their commitment-to-enforcing-disinformation is going to COST them, among the upright.

Integrity requires it of us.

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[–] Paragone 1 points 1 month ago (7 children)

I've a relative who began an unplanned LSD-trip while driving..

I've been informed by a psychiatrist & medical-researcher ( my dad, but we .. lived very separate lives, & didn't get along ) that LSD's stored in body-fat, so it can produce a flashback ANY time that THAT globule of fat gets metabolized..

I'd prohibit people who've done LSD from EVER having a pilot's license, & driver's license .. would have to be massively-justified.

The others-on-the-road never consented to having LSD-users tripping-out in motor-vehicles, on the same road..

We prohibit drunk-driving, shouldn't we prohibit LSD-driving, too?

& if LSD's got inherent flashback capability, due to the way our biology can store it for later..

shouldn't that be considered in the public-safety law?

Responsibility-archy isn't identical with no-accountability/no-responsibility/narcissism's-got-rights! paradigm, it's true,

but I'd rather that people either force-metabolize all their bodyfat, to remove LSD-flashback possibility, before getting their license, then just randomly lose-their-minds-chemically while piloting/driving..

XOR, if they won't eradicate the flashback-capability, then they don't need to be piloting/driving, do they?

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[–] Paragone 1 points 1 month ago

Unfortunately, there are zillions, all out-of-date.

My current method for finding things that are good is..

after searching for such an app with FLOSS, then with FOSS as keywords,

then I go to github, & search

awesome document scanner


awesome OCR

e.g. to find what there might be in the domain..

It became normal, a few years ago, for people to temporarily curate Awesome...

lists for each programming-language, to help new-programmers bypass the crud,

& .. thankfully .. some people are doing that for apps, now, too..

hth, eh?

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[–] Paragone 1 points 1 month ago

This story is about Russia gaining grip in Georgia, not losing grip..

read the actual post you're replying-to, eh?

: p

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[–] Paragone 1 points 1 month ago

This, above-me, is more important than its score is indicating:

"unconscious at the wheel" is humankind's default "governing", evidence now proves.

NOBODY's been doing proper dimensions-by-dimensions orthogonal-sets of scenario-planning,

& that means nobody's got actual strategy.

Just moderating the status-quo isn't strategy, it is committee-negotiating.

There are people who played the Risk boardgame..

having a MMPORPG ( or whatever the hell they're called ) with the correct divided-by-dimensions representation of our world,

& using it for scenario-planning, could really put a dent in the wildcard-dictator-sadists of this world's plans!

Simply by discovering their leverages, & systematically-extinguishing them, more-moderate-path could be enforced, strategically..

Mind you, it'd also discover our weaknesses, which we've ignored-too-long, & .. to great political-difficulty .. suddenly now have to be dealing with, of course..

but better to have a shored-up immune-system ( at the national level ) before a pandemic hits, than to have a rotted-out one in the same pandemic, isn't it?

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[–] Paragone 1 points 1 month ago

I'm Canuck, so this issue is of central concern for us, ongoingly..

The reason we're able to spend so-little on military, per GDP,

is because of the excessive expenditure by the US.

Pretending that these expenditures are "independent" of the US's expenditure, is intellectually-dishonest.

I'm not saying that was your intent, I'm saying that's what the result misrepresentation is..

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