Thanks so much for hosting this! It was so much fun and really heartwarming to be witness to such community cooperation and respect. Also, I’m really impressed by some of the art on here! Great job! Thank you everyone!
And all the cooperation that went into not messing up people’s art. I made a bisexual flag heart by the Aussie flag, and the bronies messaged me and said “we want to put something there but we will move your heart. Is that okay?” Which I thought was nice. Lots of people helping others too! Such a difference from the other place, and it reminds me why I moved to Lemmy.
IDK if you can finish it in time Australia! There's a lot of dark blue left and we're not done with the stripes!
Yes, I love this comic/game!
Looks like we're done?
Yes, I can help on that. Are we adding the green too?
Yes, do you have a picture/template to go off of?
Sounds like a drone to me. 😋
I attended my first pride wearing a pink/purple/blue tutu. No one questioned me. No one said anything except that they liked my tutu and shirt (pride in rainbow, both self made because stores didn’t sell “pride merch” at the time :p). Everyone was welcoming, everyone was nice, and it was fun to be “out” outside the house.
You don’t have to be out to everyone to be out at pride, and it’s a good experience to feel that acceptance, especially if you don’t already have it outside your romantic circle. If it still feels strange, be subtle, but be open to saying “I’m bi, this is my husband, unfortunately my gf couldn’t come.” Or whatever version of that feels good to you, but if your pride is anything like my first one, you will leave feeling seen and validated.
I know it’s a lot more empty but, even so, there was loads more cooperation, discussion, and just plain kindness here than on the other Place. It feels good man.
This. I appreciate people saying “you have to be selfish / take care of yourself” but when you have depression, focusing on your self-improvements feels overwhelming or difficult. I have been there - helping friends was easy, but doing things for myself (like cleaning my room, getting rid of junk, or organizing my files) was hard-to-impossible. When I got on SSRIs, that helped me a lot. I ended up switching to microdosing because the SSRIs were interfering with other parts of my life, but SSRIs got me there.
If you can’t get to a mental health provider, sometimes you can get friends to help you, like you have helped them, but this won’t always work and isn’t a long-term solution.
I didn’t see it so sorry if it’s been said, but I would like it if you didn’t have the timer set to 1min when replacing pixels you yourself placed. Thank you, and thank you for doing all of this! It was great!