I'm sure if he dropped $4 million, it's probably a drop in the bucket for him, but that shit has still gotta sting!
Even better! $30 million = a 10+ point loss! Keep shoveling the money into the fire Republican donors!
I read somewhere that Republicans spent $20 million to pass this thing, and it's going to fail miserably. Just icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned! That $20 million could've went to paying Trump's lawyers!
Boogie Nights is simply my favorite movie of all-time. It has everything: drama, comedy, sex, action, suspense, Burt Reynolds! This one checks all the boxes!
Possibly the laziest in Los Angeles county, which would put him high in the running for laziest worldwide.
Man, it's been a long night, and I hate the fucking Eagles!
A judge who's actually handing out justice to people who commit crimes?! Can't have that with Trump as the defendant!
Sometimes it's needed though when you realize you're the only one who gives a fuck about the rules!
You got any of that good sarsaparilla?
Shit, I knew there'd be a catch!
I found self-love through exercise and not being an asshole!
Old Ronny telling women why they get abortions! This should help his popularity! Women love it when men explain the reason(s) why they do things, right?!