Keeping it (Somewhat) simple. I have enough automations and physical switches that i really dont need my dashboard too much
This sounds like it fixes some of my main complaints about HA. Cant wait to try it
05-07 Sabres. Its all been downhill since :(
Yup! You can (and should*) configure it to do a checkerboard pattern over two runs
*it does work great but sometimes misses just a little bit. Having to do two runs in a pattern makes it pretty much perfect
Multiple levels as in it wont work for my upstairs and downstairs.
The software is only designed for one map
The d10s pro/plus are great and not terribly expensive. The breakout board isnt too hard to build either. If youre afraid/bad at soldering i saw a few prebuilt on ebay
No HA integration but the Luba is a fantastic robo lawnmower. It honestly does a better job than i do
Credit unions are better but that doesnt mean their app will work on a rooted device
Source: My credit Union app doesnt work on my rooted devices 🙃
Probably a smart move after the Yuzu stuff
No all the apps are running through docker. Some apps run in docker with vnc
Saw them at Dark Force over the weekend and they were great. Going to see then again tonight with Vision Video