We kept ourselves to one for years. Now is zero.
This made me laugh but I can see why if you have interest you'd be somewhat annoyed by arranged and selected items. It's not a natural sample. Sand's not the only thing I've seen this done with. There are worse things in the world to be fussed up about tho'. And I do like the heart shaped piece 💜
Let's give retirees $1000 a month in social security to live on while basic rent on a junky place is $2500 a month. Then let's calculate that a 65 year old person may live to 85. 20 years. You got the funky result study above.
Oh no hahahaa
When Elden Ring drops to $10 or below, I may try it. Until then, it's not all that to be worth $35 on sale.
They did! Now we shamefully have a criminal on the Republican party ticket. All has changed for the worse quickly.
The reason Hamas is in existence is because their peoples' homes being taken and the Palestinians being killed constantly, for years. What would you do if your nation has lived in their land for ages, and a people came and took your family homeland and killed your family, and took neighborhoods and whole swaths of areas, then penned you up so that you couldn't exit or enter your country without their permission...don't you think you'd rise up with some other warriors to do something, anything? That's what Hamas is. It is not a terrorist organization to go out and cause terror and trouble. It is the fighting representative of a beaten people.
Pull off some bread and lettuce, smear some canned cat food on the bread and sprinkle some dry in. Wrap it! Instant kitty burrito. And she can sit and eat with you, which maybe she just wanted in the first place.
I hadn't seen that news. I have tons of notes, being a user from way back. Then I stopped - it got so bloated and not easy to use anymore. I'll go export mine - thanks for posting.
I use UpNote. Multiplatform, no sub, one time reasonable payment for lifetime. Copy and paste images wsywig with text from the web.
I use Vivaldi. I've been getting the ads mostly. I have to open YouTube in a private window and view from there. Do you have Unblock with scripts? My scripts only worked for awhile. The built in adblocking is just not working for me.
But they already have.