What if it is windows vista?
joined 1 year ago
Just watched it two days ago. Still couldn't tell you.
Recently got into crochet so I use the a lot. They'll be missed. Being able to see yarn in person is so valuable when deciding on what to buy.
How many bananas big?
I feel like I'm dying when I go down the detergent aisle.
Crystals that exhibit piezo powers also get my stove lit.
Wow. I wish this was real.
His nose looks a bit phallic to me.
Lol nice. Awesome you were able to figure something like that out and it worked well. Good job!
I brush, floss, and brush again because I forgot to floss first. But I don't always floss. I don't think it's the end of the world unless you're having actual issues and need to adjust a bit to catch that variable.
They finally figured out how to reverse engineer the hardware that generates our simulated universe. We are able to use the "creators" compute cycles. We have "infinite" storage because we cannot comprehend the size of the universe still. Time travel is possible because we are all living in the same compute space. We brought back the uplink tech to see how it affects the simulated future because we are bored. There is no enjoyment to living any more since since everyone has cheat codes and play in creative mode.