
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Oh man, that's reaaal pretty. I love it.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago

Just wanna say, I have the "I am a beacon of joy" hoodie and I cannot wear it out and not get a compliment on it. Best hoodie ever. Love your work!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

NDAA passed in the house today. Set to go to the Senate floor next week. So not much longer to go I guess.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

Here's the legislation itself. It's damning. Specific, to the point, and justifies itself by claiming credible evidence and testimony exist to prove what Grusch has said.

Gist I get so far: All documentation of UAP is, by default, unclassified and set for immediate disclosure. If it's older than 25 years, it's declassified and released. Otherwise it goes through a review and at no more than 25 years it becomes public. There are outs to that of course, but MASSIVE step in the right direction. This thing is basically directly confirming what Grusch said is completely true and we are, in fact, not alone.

Edit: stupid me. Forgot to link to it.


Still aiming for end of July. He seems very frustrated with what it means if the stories we're hearing are true. Says he has the clearances required to speak to Grusch in a scif.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

We had one of the magnet screen door dealios and it worked really well. Until the cat discovered he could just go out on the porch to try and escape.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Just a flying garlic. Nothing to see here. Common occurance around these parts.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

That's the right attitude! I'll even share some of mine.


Do note, this is something published on Greer's site. I know there's a lot of hullaballoo around the guy, so read it with a bag of salt nearby. Nothing concrete, just a lot of claims. But, I haven't seen this discussed really yet. It's basically going deeper into some of what he said in his press conference a few weeks back. Pasting most of the first page below. In total, 3 pages of stuff like this. Again, can't really find any discussion one way or another and there's nothing but claims in here without anything to back it up. Fun read though.

The constitutional United States Government (USG) needs detailed information on rogue 
unconstitutional Illegal Secret Government (ISG) UAP/UFO and related technologies in order to properly 
investigate and ultimately control by all means necessary the now imminent danger of the ISG. 


ISG projects have benefited from approximately 80 years of research and development and trillions of 
dollars related to Advanced Technology (AT) UFO/UAP objects. This includes two primary pathways: 

1. Development of highly classified human breakthroughs in physics, electromagnetic field energy and 
propulsion systems, material science and medical and biomedical technology. These technologies have 
been run through unsanctioned projects, and without supervision of the USG. These include still - 
classified technologies from the late 1800s through today. 

2. Reverse engineering of downed extraterrestrial vehicles (ETVs) since the mid-1940s through today. 
These ISG dual pathways, while highly compartmented, have resulted in applied technologies that have 
been developed into AT reconnaissance, surveillance, fixed and mobile weapon systems and AT craft 
that are extremely advanced. The USG is unfortunately, many decades behind and orders of magnitude 
disadvantaged technologically versus the ISG. 

This technology gap must be factored into any plans going forward by the Congress, Pentagon, White 
House and other USG agencies related to UAP/UFO investigations and actions. Failure to do so is very 
likely to result in catastrophic consequences for the USG, the American people and the world. 
The ISG, beginning in the mid-1950s, achieved substantial breakthroughs in energy and propulsion, 
electromagnetic weapons and surveillance systems and other technologies that neutralize conventional 
signals intelligence and USG security protocols completely. 

The ISG weapon systems and AT craft are now so advanced and unsupervised as to present an urgent 
national security threat far exceeding the current threat matrix of China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and 
others. They certainly exceed the threat from nuclear weapons.
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

The description sounds just like these look. So I'm leaning towards that too. Recently my wife and I were staying in Yellowstone and ended up at one of their tippy top of the mountain places. It's super remote, no cell signal or anything. But, lo' and behold, WiFi shows they had a network with "starlink" in the name. I thought that was really cool as I'd never actually seen a starlink connected network yet. So, mentioned that to her and she had never actually heard of them. I'm a professional nerd, she's super techy as well, and if she hadn't even heard of it I'm not surprised we see people who spot the trains of satellites in the sky and get spooked. It's so weird looking to have a bunch of lights all in a line just traversing across the sky.

Anyway, nobody I know would have cared that I was surprised she hadn't heard about them, so given the relevance, you all get to know now.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Since being forced back to they office only to sit on calls with the TV in the meeting room, I take every opportunity I can to make snide remarks about staying home.


This is the post.

This is a challenge to the community to determine if they can come together and analyze this logically. So, here’s what I would suggest: • Given that there are several obviously very competent molecular biologists who have already commented or asked the right kinds of questions in this Reddit thread… I would say they might organize amongst themselves and create a spreadsheet of all the relevant statements and answers to questions the original poster has put forth. Break them down into ideas and claims as individually as possible. Self-organize a subgroup, and report back in a regular scientific mode/manner. • I would only focus on the biology claims. Though if a different group wants to address the non-biology issues raised that could be another discussion (and not one on which I am a sufficient expert to comment). • Then for each claim break down the credibility, pros and cons from both a scientific point of view individually and a “how does this all work together, if at all”? And a separate set of considerations for whether this is an elaborate "misrepresentation" or a "larp" (I had to look that one up). This is how many labs address putting together papers as well as answering reviewers of our papers under peer review. Businesses and project managers do the same thing. No reason it cannot be done here. It just needs to be done methodically by people with the time and interest/ability to do it. You don't have to be a card-carrying molecular biologist. ChatGPT could probably do a credible first draft... I've been flooded with requests to conclude something, but I won’t assign any likelihood of the claims as there is just not enough actual data here for me to conclude anything. It is, at present, an individual anecdote. My question to the community is: “Can you come up with a process that is credible and scientifically deterministic to consider the merits of the claims” and "What would be the next steps if any of this is testable"?

As with everything in life, believability is a chain of custody of trust. How much do you trust the data or the people presenting it?

I won't comment any further based on time constraints. I think this community has the horsepower to get this started, organize the alleged claims, and provide a template for others to be able to work from a common framework. It could be a model of how to address other claim sets that might come forward one day.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

@[email protected] please write a two sentence horror story with a twist on a historical figure most would know. Make it plausible.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Ah man, you managed to get the full text in here. Nice. When I posted yesterday I was trying to edit it to add the text on the Connect app but kept getting invalid message errors so I thought it was too long. Nice!

Yeah, so much weirdness on this one. The whole account shadow banning/ultimate deletion (I suspect the delete was done by the user) and how they were directly answering questions from other science people.


In short, dude posts detailed biological information on what he calls EBOs (aliens!), details why he's convinced they are artificially created, and dives real deep into the genetics and how the body works. Very interesting read.

Tried to get an mirror, but it cuts the post off past the "read more" link. So, if someone else has a way to get that, lemme know!

The OPs account is "suspended". Not sure if that's exactly the same as deleted or not, so take that as you will.

Edit: Had GPT review it as someone with a PhD in biology, and it seemed to think that the claims could be possible, but obviously there isn't anything known that fits basically any of the claims made. So, more fuel for the fire I guess.

Anyway, throw up some ad and tracking blockers and then discuss. Balls to the wall crazy-time up in here.

Edit 2: Text was WAY too long to post here, so I did a pastebin of it.

Beans (

Yeah, so it turns out that there's a couple meme plugins for chatGPT. Clearly this is the height of comedy.


Had GPT grab a few quotes from the article.

  1. "In the context of law with relation to extraterrestrial contact, we must consider moving toward identifying as one planetary species and developing a global consensus on how to respond in either scenario."

  2. "The current debate over UAP involves the question of whether the United States government or others across the world are in possession of craft and/or their crew of non-human origin."

  3. "There is a need to reach a baseline of mutual understanding about the issues that will need to be determined in the event of contact."

  4. "We need to analyze the problems arising from the potential for hostile contact based on the principles of humanity’s inter-human international and domestic law and how they can be applied to an interspecies conflict."

  5. "If there is anything the UAP debate teaches us, it is that humanity cannot afford to wait much longer before we begin to proactively address the conundrum of eventual contact with an alien species."


As somebody who edits their words 12 times, it's helpful for me to have drafts. In Boost I could type some nonsense up, decide I had something wrong or worded weirdly, pop back to the main post, then jump back into my draft to make edits before posting.

Would be nice to have here as well. By no means something I would say rushing on - kind of an outlier I expect - but would be a nice to have for sure.

Thanks for such an awesome app! Really loving it so far.


Beautiful work. I was missing this from Boost. Such a little thing for the end user but oh so nice.


First of all, the sweep is wonderful. I love myself tiny keebs and this one fits the bill. Sadly I gotta fix some soldering that fucked up over months of use, but it's just sooo nice.

I started with the default layout (in JSON/QMK) and made some minor tweaks, but it's largely the same.

I was forced by stupid leadership to start going back to the office, so needed a way to bring a board. Didn't want to go back to the Moonlander (though I have since the solder started giving out) for taking to the office, so figured out that it fits beautifully inside the case for my Bose headphones! Those never leave my desk anyway, so the case didn't get any use.

Anyway, if you run a tiny board with tall caps - this is the way - it works really nice and keeps things pretty snug without being overly so.

Great keyboard case for those of us who are kinda nuts.


Not a new board (made it in Jan?) but boy howdy was this a bad decision purely of my own making.

I was like, "yeah, let's go lopro for real!" At the same time, I decided to go with pinks, with the smallest amount of force required to clickity clack. Turns out that was a bad idea. My fingers are apparently small hammers and even the gentlest breeze will type on the board. It looks friggin beautiful, but oh my god is it hard to type on.

That said, I was on a 36 key split before this and looooved it, so adding the extra columns at the ends threw me for a big loop as well.

At least I have another pretty board to add to my display!


Had GPT summarize the video.

The video titled "Congress MUST Investigate UFO Whistleblower David Grusch's Claims: Marik Von Rennenkampff" discusses a recent bipartisan provision adopted by the Senate Intelligence Committee. This provision aims to halt funding for any secret government or contractor efforts to retrieve or reverse engineer craft of exotic or non-earth origin. The video features an interview with Marek Von Rennenkampff, an opinion contributor for The Hill, who suggests that this provision adds credibility to recent claims about the government's efforts to recover such crafts.

The video also discusses comments made by Senator Marco Rubio, who suggested that whistleblower David Grusch is not the only one to come forward with this kind of information. This adds context to the bill, which encourages individuals with knowledge of these activities to disclose all relevant information.

The conversation then turns to the increased discussion around UFOs following the David Grusch interview. Von Rennenkampff suggests that more whistleblowers with direct knowledge of UFO crafts and their operators may come forward. He also mentions that Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, along with Senator Rubio, is planning to hold an open hearing, potentially with whistleblower David Grusch.

The video also addresses skepticism about the bill, with some suggesting that it could be a performative gesture given the Pentagon's history of failed audits and loose record-keeping. However, Von Rennenkampff argues that the former Inspector General of the entire intelligence community found the whistleblower's claims credible and urgent, which wouldn't happen if the Pentagon was merely trying to manipulate funding numbers.

The interview concludes with a discussion on the bipartisan nature of this issue, with both former presidential candidates Senator Rubio and Senator Gillibrand taking a leading role. Despite not being widely reported in mainstream media, the issue has attracted the attention of several high-profile politicians from both parties.
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