
joined 2 years ago
[–] Olap 2 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

Gie little fer thus loon this weekend. Gawin oot tae swatch the local rugby team ah reckun the moro. Skipped a gig the nicht as it's dry january, an nae pints mak it a lang nicht. Got a loaf proovin noo instead wi Newcastle vs Montpellier oan the box, must be gettin auld.

Gin the weather haulds up the Pentlands Sunday mibbe. An sum cuikin, mibbes a roast ham

Weekly social thread (self.scotland)
submitted 1 hour ago by Olap to c/scotland

Hullo folks. Half way through January, 2 weeks to the six nations, and the weather's nae bad. So fit's oor plans?


Tories gotta Tory. Fuck him and his lack of planning. He should resign his council seat and go to a by-election

[–] Olap -2 points 1 day ago (7 children)

How would you solve it then? I'm not saying Ofcom are right, but should it be left wholly on parents to police the whole internet?

[–] Olap -2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

These examples will all be heavily customised. Neccessitating expertise in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Perhaps a yellow flag then

[–] Olap -1 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Dropsite aren't a news site then imo either. And using wordpress for your News site is a red flag too imo.

[–] Olap 8 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Yes. If you are a site you have your own domain, platform, and independence. Blogs can also have these properties and still be blogs however. To be classified as news likely means regular frequency regular fact reporting articles, journalists going to events, and news pieces which aren't opinion pieces to be published alongside your other content


Rugby, rugby, rugby. But where's Johnny Matthews?


Fantastic news for Dundee. Lots of industrial textiles here, means industrial contamination

[–] Olap 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Given I have Paris tickets for the final weekend, I'm hoping France get beaten first round for sure


Seems incredible to think this given how slow they are moving currently. Like seriously, for senior leaders to say this actually exposes their incompetence. Road building is definitely something that can be accelerated, there are few bottlenecks or things that won't scale. What critical path items can they not run in parallel?

Lawrence Shackman looks to be lead engineer on this according to https://www.transport.gov.scot/about/senior-management-team/ and he helped deliver the Queensferry crossing on time and budget. So he's no stranger to these sort of items. Fergus Ewing has this right - it's a sham

[–] Olap 3 points 3 days ago

I hope not for his sake. They are never warm


Wales for the spoon

[–] Olap 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Not exactly current news might be why! But yes, Sturgeon and Salmond are both fishy first ministers

[–] Olap 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Nothing wrong with having a close female friend. And in the split up of a 20 year marriage, I do suspect most women continue to cohabit with someone else. So I'm sticking with conspiracy theory still


Maybe the secret lesbian conspiracy theories are correct! Embezzlement likely a final straw for them, but who knows what goes on behind closed doors


Any bets on origin? Ww2? Ww1? USSR cold war? Russia today? Black flag op from MI6?

This one is pretty wild, I bet we don't get to find out

[–] Olap 6 points 4 days ago

Great news indeed then, go Mastodon!

Lemmy has the same issues I believe. Lots of people not exactly happy with the two core devs either

[–] Olap 8 points 4 days ago (3 children)

Given the concern, it would be good to be explicit in the blog post. What other assets does it genuinely need? The code is open source, people are free to host instances

[–] Olap 2 points 4 days ago (5 children)

No mention of the name Mastodon and copyrights which I seem to recall is one of the bigger complaints

submitted 5 days ago by Olap to c/scotland

Scenic Sunday for us today. Hope your weekend was good folks


Four captured in 2 days. The suspicion is that more are out there still. Celebrated by most, so it slightly surprising to see this Guardian piece not talking much about the benefits and abundance of deer in Scotland

Weekly social thread (self.scotland)
submitted 1 week ago by Olap to c/scotland

Back tae werk this week, how's it gawin? Anybidy wi plans tae share?


It's been a long road to this opening. Here's hoping it makes a real difference as a lot of time, money, and political capital has been spent on it

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