Another problem with the "voter fraud is rampant" rehtoric is idiots like this think they too can get away with anything.
*Delves into all kids of weird circumstances and medical mysteries. Morbid and informative.
*Up-to-date exercise and nutrition science. I've seriously learned a lot.
Imperfect Paintings
Shows you how to try different types of abstract art. Has been a huge inspiration in getting me to paint and experiment with art.
Your mouth to Dog's ears.
I'll be observing a polling location tomorrow afternoon. Afterwards, I've got a london broil, some mushrooms, and a bottle of wine ready and waiting.
Stores that sell medical supplies.
I will, thank you.
This sounds fantastic. Are you able to share the recipe?
Nice! I went as a sexy viking once. I had a braided, crocheted beard, a helmet and corset.
Tony Stark created likeability with a box of scraps in a cave!
I think you mean round child.
He's a joke, he's a ham, his last name's Amsterdam, that's a Morey.
I'm a Type A personality in a Type B body.