Why do you doubt that my man?
At the same time, the industry is looking towards massive monopolization. I think Embracer move was also motivated by seeing how ABK was able to make a sale to Microsoft and cash out. Now everyone is trying to sell themselves, including EA. The buyers are usually trillion dollar tech, or Saudis (who currently own a very big part of the industry), and Chinese megagiants (who own the other big part of the industry). As days go by, we are looking at a landscape which could be similar to early era console wars where players were forced to tie their wagon to one horse and hope that it keeps releasing titles. This might sound a bit doomer speak, but if a studio the size of gearbox can shut down, then absolutely anyone can.
What is he going to do if they do?
Isn't this the plot of planet hulk?
They'll talk about anything other than the actual prize pool for TI at this point.
Another one of those patches you can see icefrog wasn't involved with. So uninspired. Just looked at pick rates and changed some numbers which are only going to affect early game when the issue with the meta is that you can lose all three lanes and just turtle for 40 minutes because breaching high ground is near impossible because there is a wisdom rune which spawns right outside your base.
Killian experience my beloved
Time is the cruelest cut!
Please share a rough outline of the recipe
There's songs of conquest, which I'm not sure if is out of beta, but is a solid spiritual successor to the heroes of might and magic series and at the very least a much need visual and engine upgrade.
Usually, none. Rogue has so many damage related passives and aoe damage that having one with long cooldown feels unnecessary. Shadow imbuement into twisting blades, or barrage, or rapid fire, or traps all do so much AoE at such little cooldown that rain of arrows feels almost always pointless. Especially so with word of Hakan when you could have CDR or damage or passive ranks on your amulet. The only unique you really are looking for is the penitent greaves.
Feel free to brag is say. These lessons aren't short.