
joined 11 months ago
[–] Nycto 1 points 1 week ago

Self reply to share that I did this in a one shot and it was great! Level 3 character with expertise in Perception and Insight and 14 WIS, 16 DEX for decent AC and rogue skill checks, 18 INT for Investigation and True Strike. All 16 passives. Big fun.

[–] Nycto 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

You are correct that the actions you listed are not attacks, but the Invisibility spell says ...

The spell ends early immediately after the target makes an attack roll, deals damage, or casts a spell.

This whole sentence is a way to check your ability to avoid interactions with the world by being invisible while still interacting with it.

Some interactions bend this rule. Not many break it with a fair DM. The closest I have come was an Arcane Trickster character who can cast Mage Hand (which had Invisibility due to a class ability) then potion of Invisibility. I could use the Mage Hand for the duration of the spell ... but then I couldn't recast it without dropping Invisibility.

[–] Nycto 1 points 4 weeks ago

Hanged is for people who died by hanging. Hung is everything else. I guess the insult here relies on the idea that the portrait was so horrible it killed itself, but it is still not a person so the semantics here are unclear to me.

[–] Nycto 7 points 1 month ago

You mean the clit mouse?

[–] Nycto 5 points 2 months ago

Looking good! From a gamer who started out on Atari, game preservation is a cause worth pushing for. Hope the EU can get this passed since there is little hope of it being supported in the states without your example.

I gotta say, I had a very similar reaction to zorro to this post popping up in my general doomscrolling of Lemmy. Just EU country names with % numbers. Top comment being pretty much what I was thinking. My only context was the community name to let me know that this is something I am interested in. Oh, and unlike zorro I went to see what the sidebar says...

[–] Nycto 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I was actually thinking about a high elf rogue that has high wisdom and uses True Strike every round. 2024 True Strike is great.

[–] Nycto 2 points 2 months ago

The well never runs dry. I play one shot games every other weekend and I still don't ever seem to run out of character ideas.

[–] Nycto 3 points 2 months ago

I played a Hobgoblin Barb Bladesinger who did this as a higher level of blade dance. Lots of synergy actually.

founder's grove (self.outdoors)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Nycto to c/[email protected]

From a trip to California two years ago

[–] Nycto 3 points 3 months ago

I was amused when I noticed her in the most recent M Night movie Trap.

This is not an endorsement of this movie. I just thought Parent Trap to Trap was an interesting career or maybe the title of her memoirs.

[–] Nycto 8 points 7 months ago

It's absolutely allowed.

It's not as good as previous versions but I am running stock android and I have wifi power saving and phone (background) power saving modes available. I just checked and the estimate of time until zero percent battery goes from 22 hours to 28 hours with the node that limits backup processes, and that is with 59% on the battery.

There was a power save mode on my old phone that made everything grey screen and stuff that was way better. I think I enabled it for a camping trip once and used like 20% battery in 3 days.

[–] Nycto 9 points 7 months ago

That isn't funny and you shouldn't make jokes like that.

It was a ❤️ loveseat ❤️.

slow is smooth... (
submitted 9 months ago by Nycto to c/vanitypl8s
what's that smell? (
submitted 10 months ago by Nycto to c/vanitypl8s
Smart plate (
submitted 10 months ago by Nycto to c/vanitypl8s
submitted 10 months ago by Nycto to c/vanitypl8s
submitted 10 months ago by Nycto to c/vanitypl8s
submitted 10 months ago by Nycto to c/vanitypl8s
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