Drove a friend to the polls. Got stared at by someone with flyers the entire time while I was in the parking lot, even with the no campaigning rules.
Inception timeline
The majority of my bosses worked a lot more than me, to the point where I don't even know how they stayed awake. At my current job, the workplace is falling apart because the upper management refuses to work long hours like that while us lower staff deal with the aftermath. I love bashing on rich people, but a lot of them (semi-rich) worked hard to get where they are and in a way deserve it. You sound like a good boss- I wish more places understood that taking on more responsibility means more dedication and more hours instead of getting to boss people around.
The wealthiest people that I know (definitely not billionaire range) work a lot more hours compared to me, but most of them consist of consulting, meetings, traveling, and virtual meetings while traveling- it seems like they’re constantly on the phone. They’re happy to interact with lower stature people to get a feel of how people generally feel about the times and politics. They’re also generous, but not too generous- they get anxious around really poor people. They fly A LOT too- if you’re flying a domestic flight between cities you’re probably sharing a cabin with a super rich person. Definitely not a billionaire with a private jet though.
The thing that threw me off Facebook was the 2016 election and the Cambridge Analytica scandal, even though I ran a popular meme page. I thought I found a sanctuary on Reddit, but looking back everything major on it was shilled to advertise or sow political discord. I thought Google Plus had a lot of potential, but nobody I knew would join and y’know, Google’s privacy record.
I’ve seen a couple attempts at blatant advertising on here for crypto scams, online courses and other sketchy deals, but they get taken down within 24 hours. We have an amazing admin team on this instance.
It's a little hard to find corporate shills on Lemmy at the moment