first off, your trading account is in some financial institution that might itself shatter. without a federal rescue boat to save the little people. second, if the us economy actually collapses 80+%, nowhere else is safe. the european union and japan couldnt fend for itself without the current power balance holding firm. china is in a terrible state itself already. no easy answers.
just games? i miss apps like deluxe paint 4, octamed, brilliance!, audiomaster II, and of course the demo scene.
i have a fully functional Kodak Brownie, 100 years old.. but it requires ancient 117 roll film.
he's panning for turd gold, and eats fiber like clockwork. he keeps a bucket as a comfort animal, and cuts his hair in honor of it.
vegas is a terrible destination for those barely scraping by. go get lost with locals in some nowhere and see something real.
do you prefer living surrounded by destitute desperate misery? when its every person for themselves you wont fend for nada.
only if its from sloth's perspective.
i agree, missionary is not an appropriate position for this relationship.
amazing visuals, but i hate the soundtrack. star wars shouldnt be guitar solo all day. some kind of storyline or character depth would help.
huh i thought cash me outside meant dont pay me in the strip club where i have to split tips.. but it just means catch me outside if you wanna brawl.
because the middle class gets gutted.