Well.. I wouldn't be a fool of a Took if I did everything right would I?
All of what the other two commenter's said + the following:
- wear a helmet (kind of obvious, but depending on the culture people frown on road safety for cyclists)
- wear a high vis shirt
- put a back mirror on your handle that sticks 20cm or so.
The last one makes the difference in Munich between riding my normal bike and my ebike. With the mirror you see them coming, making it less uncomfortable when they pass + they automatically keep some more distance as they don't want to hit the mirror.
Finally, depending on how fast your bike goes, look into tuning it to higher speeds? Mine is an s-pedelec and goes 45km/h, that means in city traffic I am able to swim with the traffic and not get passed often (this will probably trigger some debate and is a suggestion you should think about carefully, as it has other implications)
Was the chillest dude - sitting under a waterfall in the spray, having a good time. Waited patiently until I had taken 2-3 photos, then went about his day :)
took this image 2 years ago when being there on holiday. We went back last year, to enjoy the absolutely beautiful nature scene in which we found the salamander, only to see it having become a construction site for a new road...
We do this at work (lots of sensitive data that we don't want Openai to capitalize on) and it works pretty well. Hosted locally, setup by a data security and privacy sensitive admin, who specifically runs the settings to not save any queries even on the server. Bit slower than chatgpt but not by much
Then take down your post pushing religious believes in an atheist community. Read the community guidelines, it has no place here.
Hey OP!
How would you feel if we came over to your religious corner of the internet and started preaching that anyone who believes in higher powers is bonkers and needs escapism to cope with their inability to find meaning in their actual existence?
I case you didn't get it (which might be because religious mongerers, especially of the missionary type like you, who show up and rub their silly little believes in other people's face while thinking you're doing us a favor are typically rather thick) you're not welcome here.
Hmm... Sounds like something the mods would have to configure?
Turns out a large excellence cluster technical university can do the same and bring down an entire campus for 2 days. Everything is in one big intranet, has main lines with high throughput routed to a large network node and one backup line from the local internet provider. It killed the main lines and thousands of staff plus some tens of thousands of students were connected through a household class fiber connection. That was fun :)
Is its drag coefficient better than a modern day SUV's?
Random trivia: Showing the swastika is a crime in Germany. The Neonazis tried to use that to shut down a shop selling stickers the swastika being thrown in a trashcan. They lost fabulously