An electric car must have been pretty dirty back then. Most power was made by much less efficient coal generators after all.
I am not saying that this is still the case today, quite the opposite.
(Although no car is always better than a car)
An electric car must have been pretty dirty back then. Most power was made by much less efficient coal generators after all.
I am not saying that this is still the case today, quite the opposite.
(Although no car is always better than a car)
I wish for the same 😂
As a German the ICE is nothing special, at least when riding in 2nd class.
Sure, it's nicer than riding regional trains, but it's nothing very posh.
Germany was doing pretty bad economically after the first world war and especially after the great depression. Lots of people had no jobs and couldn't afford anything.
Wages of the average worker aren't keeping track with inflation right now, so that's what would have to be changed to have any chance at stopping this.
Russia also needs to stop trying to destabilise the western world.
I am just outraged that some people are starving because they can't afford food while other people have so much money that they don't even know how they could spend it all.
Das ist schon wild, dass man pures Koffein ohne große Warnungen einfach online kaufen kann.
Also ich werde mir in nächster Zeit auf jeden Fall kein neues Fahrrad kaufen, solange mir kein Rahmen bricht werde ich mir kein Fahrrad kaufen und dann würde es wahrscheinlich ein gebrauchtes sein.
Die >50% Wertverlust am Anfang können ruhig andere übernehmen.
In Deutschland haben auch schon so viele Leute ein Fahrrad, dass wohl eher der Umstieg auf E-Bikes die Verkäufe treibt, als es bessere Fahrradwege tun, auf jeden Fall kurzfristig.
If I want to be able to access my trunk easily I will have to go forwards.
Otherwise I always go backwards.
Am I the only one who would find the woman at the left more attractive?
The right just looks like plastic to me, same with all of these instagram influencer ladies who have more plastic surgeries than I have fingers.
The difference with all those other tools is that you are always there when it runs. You are not there when the robot lawnmower is running and some cat jumps your fence, which is why it should not harm the cat.
You are kind of correct that the rpm of the robot mower blades are faster, but the blades are much lighter and most mowers even have swiveling blades that are only held straight by the centrifugal force, so they will just swivel away when they hit something.
The blades are not much more than razor blades that are mounted on a plastic disc with one screw each. You wouldn't want to put your hand into the spinning blade, which is very hard to do anyway, but there is just not enough power to throw rocks with any significant force.
I would be able to put my finger in the way of the blades if they were completely blunt and I would not get hurt very much if at all, doing the same thing on a normal mower would be a very different story.
Yes, I have heard about that too, which is why I only let mine run at daytime.
I tried that on linux, it doesn't work if you want to do more than browse the web and other basic stuff.
You can do some seriously advanced stuff on windows using only GUIs