
joined 10 months ago
[–] Noobnarski 10 points 20 hours ago (3 children)

The reason why I don't pay for a lot of media is because, if I pay for it I won't be able to watch what, when, where and how I want to.

If I could buy movies and TV series as h265 files with high bandwidth and no DRM I would pay for it.

I would also pay for streaming if it had all content available, no DRM that forces me to use Chrome to watch anything higher than 720p and a good interface.

But those things will never happen because executives are too greedy.

[–] Noobnarski 0 points 3 days ago

As I said, some of the music is just the audio of a video, but they also get a lot of releases directly from the publishers. They are both on YT Music and the difference in quality in between them is noticeable.

I have my audio quality set to high in that options menu btw.

[–] Noobnarski 1 points 4 days ago

For GTA SA I remember chittychittybangbang to make your car fly.

[–] Noobnarski 11 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Youtube Music doesn't just serve the audio from a video. They do serve the audio from a video if nothing else is available, but they also get releases directly from the publishers/distributors.

The difference in sound quality is definetly noticeable.

[–] Noobnarski 1 points 5 days ago

First I thought this cruise was way overpriced, but now I know why it costs so much. I wish I had the money and lived close enough to afford it.

[–] Noobnarski 2 points 1 week ago

Und meistens wird das Durchkommen von Autos vor dem Durchkommen von allen anderen Verkehrsteilnehmern priorisiert.

Wenn ich als Auto in einem Umlauf links abbiegen kann, muss ich als Fahrradfahrer oder Fußgänger oft 2 oder 3 Umläufe dafür hinnehmen.

[–] Noobnarski 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wegen genau solchen Leuten die anscheinend nie dazu lernen, verliere ich langsam jeden Rest an Hoffnung den ich noch in die Menschheit hatte.

[–] Noobnarski 1 points 1 week ago

Wurde diese Freigrenze in Deutschland nicht schon abgeschafft? Deswegen bezahlen Plattformen wie Aliexpress die 20% Steuer doch schon vor dem losschicken?

[–] Noobnarski 15 points 1 week ago (3 children)

That argument doesn't make a lot of sense because China has a higher percentage of renewables in their electricity mix than Australia:

China is also regularly the country with the most renewable energy expansion and is subsidising and developing a lot of the technologies needed to transition to renewables.

[–] Noobnarski 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The bullets also come out of the players eyes in Counter Strike. I don't know how it is in the other games.

[–] Noobnarski 1 points 1 week ago

More like "Natural face vs Too many plastic surgeries"

[–] Noobnarski 2 points 2 weeks ago

And even if you only cycle lead batteries above 50% SOC, they will still last a significantly shorter amount of time, especially compared to LiFePo4 batteries.

test (self.justtestingmoderationalone)


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