Love how it couldn't decide if he is smoking a pipe or a cigarette
My finger is!
This guy already blocked me as he believes women cannot handle being treated like adults and I called him out for it. Just block this fool and move on.
That's fine, but all i want is more than 2 usb ports please.
Meanwhile Musk parades around the whitehouse in t-shirts.
It's a 7% discount.
You're not the one with the power to censor me, and I've been censored already for trying to discuss reality.
Why can't you answer my question?
I can tell you're upset at me because I say hard truths you don't like. I'm going to block you now because you're going to keep pestering me to satisfy your herd mentality
You have yet to present a single truth so far, so why would I be upset? You can't even explain your "truth" when asked multiple times.
Run away.
That's because I get censored without being able to engage in an actual discussion.
I just asked you to give your reasoning and you are bitching about being censored. I'll ask again, how do women get treated like babies... Or do you not have the ability to articulate your point?
Lol, keep covering your ears to truths you don't like. I don't expect more from you people at this point.
Only an idiot would think that was a good reply.
Try again?
Well, if we stopped babying women and treated them like adults, then maybe this would seem more farfetched.
How do we treat women like babies? You keep popping up here and you never provide examples or evidence to support your perspective/argument.
Unfortunately, most women think being treated as an adult is being "unfair" to them because they're so used to being treated like children.
How to tell everyone you are an incel without directly saying so. When did trolling become this sad.
Regardless of your answer you are being fired, use this as an opportunity to tell Musk to go fuck himself.
Will it change anything, no. But it would feel very cathartic.
When you force customers to go through you for repairs, it's in your best interest to do a bad job.
Daddy Putin must be so proud!