You're doing Gods work!
Thanks! Well, the gym right now is also the livingroom.
Sorry for the delay. They are 90mm. Will probably outlive me.
I've been working on my Triumph of Saint Kathrine now for a few weeks. I feel done with the base, but still a lot of work left with the rest of the girls. This is my first army. And my first goal is to have a 1000pts army done within the next 2 months and play 2 more games, played 1 so far (win against dark angels, both of us being beginners). Also already painted a Penitent engine, Sob unit, exorcist, Palatine, Dialogus, Celestine, 5 Repentias and 3 Arcos. Left to paint on my list is: Castigator, Rhino, 10 Seraphim, 2 Crusaders and a Callidus Assassin. But damn! It takes me forever to paint all these million details!!
Do you play sisters?
Thank u!
I was there! Felt great being among so many people caring. I like in a smaller town and have been protecting every weekend, but were usually maybe 30-60 people. And it has felt like we were so alone.