As a teenager in the early 2000's, the options for finding new music were few and far between. Corporate radio, finding offbeat ad songs, and my friend's broadband Internet connection with Napster were pretty much the only way of expanding outside of my immediate circle of friends.
I think it varies by class of drugs (edit: and how they interact with your personality). I've used opiates and benzos before and enjoyed myself without feeling like I'd really care to try it again, but I definitely flirted with disaster/addiction with stimulants for a decade plus and alcohol for my entire adult life.
And it didn't take long; the first time I tried any stimulant, I chased it (and I've tried a lot of them).
Psychedelics, on the other hand, I love and in most people there is little to no danger for addiction. I'd go so far as to say that unless you have a family or personal history of schizophrenia, psychedelics are almost a must for understanding or coming to peace with life, death, and society.
A good psychedelic trip is literally life-changing, and even a bad trip is life-changing if you go into it with a decent trip sitter and the attitude that a bad trip is still just showing you yourself and the things you need to work on.
No, they don't believe him; they just don't care and this gives them plausible deniability
It wouldn't matter because the Senate will just pretend like he's a reasonable nominee regardless of his past actions or current beliefs.
The HBK-4P Discoback is undoubtedly a hit when starting up the party in the club and when vaporizing transphobes
Good ol' GRF-1N never lets me down.
I don't know, the second ship looks like it's had some bits replaced with after-market parts...
I'm partial to Nazi Punks, Fuck Off, originally by the Dead Kennedys. Napalm Death does a great version, too, if you're more into grindcore
"you know how you get to Carnegie Hall?"
Under normal circumstances with everyday people, I try to make generous assumptions and "never ascribe to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity."
But in the case of the Democratic party, I have a hard time believing that everybody in the Democratic leadership is that stupid, which leaves only the possibility that their continued failure is intentional
Not to mention that for large-busted women, it's even more uncomfortable to go without any support. My partner hates bras but is always wearing one (even in the privacy of our home) because otherwise her boobs get sore.