It doesn't matter where it came from! It doesn't change the fact that our government left us to die, and corporations picked over our remains. As humanity grows so does the possibility of new diseases. Covid was almost the perfect test disease for modern nations to experience. Deadly enough to have to be taken seriously, but not deadly enough to be uncontrollable. We could have stopped the spread in 14 days. But stopping the flow of private money was unthinkable for even one day, so doors stayed open and the disease flourished. If covid was more deadly the world would have crumbled to ground because the wealthy and powerful can't imagine losing one cent of profit. Even if that means losing billions of lives.
Uhhhhhh what? No, Colombian demands were met. The deportations are flowing again because the US agreed to put the individuals on private chartered flights, after being fed, clothed, and properly vetted for deportation. All on the US dime. So the process before Trump took office. Sounds like normal ass diplomacy to me. US said we want to deport Colombian citizens illegally. Colombia said no, go through the internationally agreed on process, and the US said okay.
Uhhhh no they didn't. Colombia got evening they wanted in return for accepting the flights.
Literally will try anything and everything but gun control.
Your reading skills are as good as your political skills.
One: I voted blue!
Two: looking at the voting data it's obvious that having a working class focused agenda and a pro Palestinian platform would have won the democrats the election. If I know this, the dems leadership 100% knows as well.
Voting is inherently transactional! If you want demographics vote for you have to take up their concerns. The Democratic party said nope to every demand from key demographics of their base and know you want to talk about regrets!? Grow up.
People have such little compassion for forging lives in America. Even the "liberals" are still chastising millions of people for choosing to not support any genicidal regime, and not blaming a literal handful of people that knew supporting Israel's genicide would cost them votes. There was no and is no justification for the Democratic party to be pro Isreal. Zionest weren't going to vote blue any ways. So why take a stance that only appeals to only them!? If they really believed Trump was some existential threat to democracy and freedom, (I do believe this and voted blue. Only to watch them throw away millions of votes for no reason!) why didn't they do everything in their power to get every single vote possible? They know that from polling and form left leaning organization that supporting Isreal was a net negative on their chances of winning but told their base to eat rocks or have Trump for president. Whelp. Here we are. This mindset goes for universal health care, free college and college debt forgiveness, wage increase, income inequality, and so much more! But the democrats preferred status quo over actual winning. Dem leadership doesn't care who wins a election because they still get to go home to their ivory towers regardless.
Yup. It someone wasn't killed for it, it's less valuable.
Labor camps to replace all the deported labor
Abandon the platform. All none open source social media is cancer
Just fucking imagine how that would go! I work in education and simply having a unfamiliar police officer in the school causes stress in the kids. Now you want to come inside and remove students. Bro this will end violently if it happens. Caring staff and students are not going to hand over a crying and confused child.
Don't worry. You don't even have to do that much. Just sit back and watch the shit show.
They want to kill off the little fish that need that money. Also, this is a death nail for most nonprofits. Nonprofit, is a dirty word to oligarchs. Why do good things for no personal gain?! Watch for profit large corporations snap up assets and market shares of services previously provided by nonprofits and charities.