That's what she said!
Whenever I see barriers like this I always think they should be "car centric" and not "pedestrian centric".
Cars drive through this area like nothing changed on their route, pedestrian then are met with large barriers.
It should be the other way around. Control the flow of car traffic to make it safer for both parties (cars and pedestrians). Then priority becomes about active travel like pedestrians walking or cycling.
What if you take the red pill and its just another simulation?
I would recommended people watch Pantheon on AMC. Two great seasons and it dives into some interesting "are we living in a simulation questions".
Not gona lie, I do like the speed limit leaderboard. Though I would see people trying to get the "high score" on something like this.
We've tired nothing and we're all out of ideas!
Kind of like asking "are we living in a simulation", but not wanting to know the answer. Even if you really strongly believe its true.
The difference between this AI app and Twitter being, you know its a simulation.
Does that make it any less real though would be the question, once you knew?
When there is even a inkling of doubt a person should not be executed.
Ding ding ding
Streaming is the new cable, just more expensive now. Each platform is like a bundle of TV channels.
I like to walk around with a open bathrobe, hope no one walks in.
I am guessing Shanghai China.
We don't need AI to design nightmares like this for us. We do it to ourselves.