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[–] Narauko 1 points 2 months ago

The US is over-policed, while simultaneously being under-policed for certain demographics, by a street gang operating under the color of law. We have an overabundance of bad shoots by the cops executing people for nonviolent propert crimes that needs to be dealt with. This is a real issue.

There is also a tendency for some to conflate that with self defense of/in a home under the (generally correct) idea that no property crime deserves the death penalty, like McDonalds managed to conflate the coffee burned old lady with frivolous lawsuits. I am saying that once you break into a home it is no longer "property crime" but something else.

[–] Narauko 32 points 2 months ago (6 children)

Yes, but the tailwind becomes a headwind on the way back to the router so you won't see any actual speed changes. Putting a fan on both ends will cancel each other out too.

You need to change all the gaseous air out for either liquid or a solid as waves propagate faster through them. You should start with filling your house with liquid oxygen as a nice half step so you still have something to breathe easily, as solids are a bit more tricky.

[–] Narauko -1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I was more pointing out that there are legal and constitutional hurdles beyond the number of guns, the later of which you are hand waving away under a "the second best time is now" argument and ignoring the former. Especially with the current Supreme Court, we have at least 4 years before further gun control legislation attempts can be made. State and county guns bans and control laws are being struck down as unconstitutional left and right.

I am pro private gun ownership personally and believe in a legal right to self defense, but am not even talking about that. You are vigorously arguing for a pipe dream of seemingly "just make guns illegal, it will work out from there", in the current political climate, while calling people with different opinions Nazis. All those blank steps before Profit are doing some very heavy lifting.

[–] Narauko 18 points 2 months ago

It is tragic that it takes an assassination to bring the deplorable condition of our healthcare system to the front of the public consciousness, and also tragic if that's what it takes to effect change. The karmic justice itself doesn't have to be tragic for the event to be "tragic".

[–] Narauko 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

It depends on the State for specific legality.

Armed or not, an actual threat or not, an intruder into an occupied home leaves benefit of the doubt at the entry point they used to get in. It might have been intended as a burglary instead of a home invasion, but the perpetrator does not get to make that distinction.

There is a tangible difference between regular property crime like shoplifting, fraud, or theft outside of a dwelling and the violation of a home. And another tangible difference if that home is occupied.

[–] Narauko 1 points 2 months ago

And that is where the difference between privileges and rights is. Privileges exist by definition for the privileged.

[–] Narauko 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

You must be white passing and at least middle class to trust bringing the police into any situation.

[–] Narauko 0 points 2 months ago (3 children)

We have not only more guns in circulation than people, but a constitutional right to those guns that you would have to overcome to remove them all.

I never expected to see a "those who disagree with me are actual Nazis" in the wild, used apparently straight faced. Godwin's law kicked in very quickly.

[–] Narauko 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I'm not prepared to say people can't deserve being gunned down based on socioeconomic status, but I am all for the rich getting their fair share of the gunning down. Preventing active murder or grievous bodily harm, harming children, etc.

There is too much gunning down, and especially for unreasonable things, but I won't lose sleep when those in power effecting and enforcing the injustice get theirs. The phrase "just desserts" exists for a reason.

[–] Narauko 3 points 2 months ago

Lemmying in the bathroom as one does, and you caused me to drop another Seagal by trying to hold my laugh in. I salute you.

[–] Narauko 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Let's be honest, this is most probably a riff on the semi-current push for greater diversity in games. That "could" be boiled down to "I don't see characters with my exact physical identity and want/need this representation", even if it's reducto absurdum.

[–] Narauko 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

What do you mean older show, it is part of Cartoon Network's cartoon cartoons and only started airing when I was in high school.

Oh God... No... It can't be. The year 2000 was only...

Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good.....

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