
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Ohhh, that's brilliant! I've been using named sketch constraints and then formulas referencing those so far, but AFAICT you can't seem to name the parameters in pads/pockets/etc? Using a spreadsheet sounds much better, thanks!


Hi c/FreeCAD, totally newbie here! I'm having a ton of fun learning FreeCAD, but I have a small question. I know the toponaming problem is going away soon, and maybe that makes this kind of irrelevant, but I'd still like to know.

Sometimes when I'm watching or reading guides on avoiding the toponaming problem, the person will say something along the lines of: "actually this technique is also more professional/proper/correct anyway, real engineers do it this way." Basically that the methods that avoid the problem are also just best practices in general. But they always say that as kind of an aside, and I wish they'd say more! What makes those methods better? Does anyone have any suggestions for articles or videos about this?

For one example, there was one guide that suggested you should use a datum plane instead of referencing one of the object's surfaces. I understand the toponaming problem well enough to get why referencing a surface can cause it. However, the person in the guide used the same surface that would have been referenced, as the attachment point for the datum plane. Why does that not produce the same issue?

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago

No, absolutely not. At least, certainly none of my own, even if I were capable of it... I don't really see the point in procreating with the world on such a catastrophic trajectory. On the other hand, if I find myself in a situation where I have a home and resources to share, and some unfortunate already-existing kids need those things, I'd certainly offer them a place. That would be just as true for non-kids though, so I dunno how much of a "parent" that'd really make me.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

I came to say the same thing about Camellia sinensis, thinking "am I about to be more of a tea purist than is even encapsulated in this chart?" So I'm glad somebody else got there first lol

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Me as a vampire and also Marvel's The Thing: "It's hemogobblin' time!"

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Mostly I'm onboard with what you're saying here. Although, like others have said, don't forget there's plenty of people on OF who aren't women! If there is any problem at all, why isn't it also a problem for them? Second, I definitely wonder how many of the opinions in this thread are coming from other women who've done sex work. Those are mostly the only people I wanna hear from on this topic.

As far as the "fakeness" not working for you personally, I might have some good news for you. While of course capitalism does tend to suck all of the joy out of everything, like all professions, there are sex workers who definitely do enjoy their work. At least as much as anyone can feasibly enjoy working under capitalism anyway.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

You'd be surprised, attractiveness is subjective!

I was saying the same thing as you a while ago and somebody told me that I'd be surprised and that attractiveness is subjective. And you know what? They were right!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

An old PS1 fighting game called Unholy War. It had a lot of really unique mechanics I haven't seen since.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Lowe Mill in Huntsville, Alabama. It's like a giant collaborative art space in an old factory building. Pretty much the most anarchist space I've ever been to, although that's a very low bar for me.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago

It's been great honestly. I've got two boyfriends I love very much. While it's not all sunshine and roses all the time, they're the only people in my life who I feel like truly have my back, and I have theirs. Of course that's not something that's unique or inherent to romance, you could have the same thing with friends, family, etc. Just worked out that way for me.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

...encountered a withered, nearly skeletal body on the side of the trail. It looked ancient, the surrounding plants had sent their roots growing into it. He tried to pay it no mind and hurry past, not even daring to look at it. But just as he passed by, it wrenched one arm free of the foliage and latched onto his ankle. It turned it's still oh-so-horribly intact eyes upon him, and with the voice of ages it said "boy, listen to me..."

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Oh what a cool concept! I definitely have some to contribute

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Yeah totally agree, it looks great!!


These were delicious and so simple! Split peas are really cheap, we mostly just wanted to test out how they would do as a flour. The only ingredients here are pea flour, water, salt and seasonings. It's not even leavened at all and it's still super tasty. Plus the color is just really novel and fun. I think it would be amusing to use this to make a zucchini or cucumber bread.

Peas seem to be less common as a flour than some other legumes, i.e. chickpeas, lentils, soy, etc. I figured maybe try looking for Indian recipes instead, since legume flours are more popular there, but even then peas seemed pretty under-represented compared to like urad, moong, etc.

Anyway, I dunno where you'd buy the flour itself, but if you've got a cheapy hand-crank grain mill these grind up pretty easy. 10/10, would reccomend.

Our gremlin (
submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/bookwyrm

EDIT: it's back up!!! ❤

Maybe they're doing maintenance or something, I hope. I should have thought ahead and followed whoever maintains it on another platform, so I could find out what's going on in situations like this. Oops lol


I wish I'd taken a picture... I saw a ditto just chillin' totally undisguised, so I caught it. You know how with a disguised ditto, it does the whole "Oh, what's this? It was actually a ditto!" thing? Well after I caught this undisguised ditto, it did that and turned into a Zorua instead!

I tried briefly googling this phenomenon and found a single mention of somebody seeing an untransformed ditto in the wild, but they didn't catch it, and nobody in the comments had an explanation. What in the world just happened?


Can't believe none of these have been posted yet lol.


This time of year, there's a zillion of these loudly and clumsily zooming around right outside my backdoor. They're very curious about everything that moves; they'll just like stare you down, hovering a foot in front of your face. Too cute!! They are also kinda eating the landlords mudroom... but so slowly that I'm pretty sure it hardly matters? You just can't be mad at these little fuzzballs! Worth it for the pollination anyway.


I got these as bare-root saplings a couple years old, and planted them last year. One actually bloomed and produced some berries the same year I planted it! These things sure are prolific. This year, they're all already blooming.

I tried a couple things with the handful of berries from last year, i.e. just eating them raw, making juice, jam, etc. Raw was (somewhat predictably) not very good, but the juice and jelly were great. Also, while I don't at all mind supplementing the diets of local fauna, it was nice that the birds actually left us some! Unlike my elderberries, which they picked clean so fast we didn't get a single one lol.


This system is really cool, but it seems like not that many people are playing it. I think the name "suited" is probably not helping the matter... While clever, it makes it kinda hard to google.

It's somewhat of a "rules-lite" type, with all the pros and cons that come with that. One of those cons being that most things are sort of up to the GM's judgement, and I am very new to GMing. With a lot of other similarly rules-lite systems, there's a community offering their experiences and things they found helpful. Suited doesn't seem to have much of that, but maybe some people here have played it and would like to share?


Trying to get the hang of celtic tatting, just working freehand for now. Real celtic tatting patterns are surprisingly uncommon! There are a lot of cool faux ones, but those won't teach me to use these shuttles. It doesn't look very good at all, trying to keep in mind it's just for practice.


This was a perfect project for getting the very basics of tatting down. Every time I made a mistake I just kept plowing ahead, rather than getting frustrated trying to fix it. Now that the motions feel more natural, it'll be easier to advance, maybe? The pattern is from Urban Knot Design. Even though it's chock full of mistakes, I still wet blocked it and will find some use for it somewhere.


Probably a really obvious question, sorry.

I've been using RFF's recommended app (RadioDroid2), but that's all I use that for, and generally I'd rather just use one app for music than two.

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