
joined 2 years ago
[–] MufinMcFlufin 2 points 5 hours ago

The reason I think stalemate makes the game more interesting is it gives an out to the losing player.

Suppose a game where black just lost their last piece (outside of the king). With the stalemate rule, white still needs to be careful and skillful in executing their checkmate to actually win the game. Giving black some way even in a losing situation to get theirself into a better outcome than a flat out loss. It allows more opportunities for games to reach their natural conclusion in a way that still allows both players to do something to get a better outcome.

And I don't know about you, but I think a game that could end up as a draw right up until the end is a more interesting game to play and much more entertaining to watch than watching 30 turns of white maintaining an early all the way to the midgame when black decides it's just a waste of time at this point and resigns.

[–] MufinMcFlufin 3 points 23 hours ago

Without the stalemate rule then there's not much any point in continuing to play once you're in a poor enough position. You'd literally be wasting both players times waiting in vain for your opponent to irrecoverably blunder hard enough to turn the match, which may be impossible if you're out of enough pieces.

With the stalemate rule although you may no longer be able to win, you can still do something so your final outcome is better than a loss. The losing player still has a reason to keep playing. The game is overall more interesting to play and watch by having the stalemate rule than it would be without.

[–] MufinMcFlufin 2 points 2 weeks ago

I saw a post about how some female model apparently knew a lot of programming languages (I think it was around 60?) and left a comment about how I'd wager they only knew how to make the computer say "hello world" in most of them.

What I was intending was more that if much anyone told me they knew a ton of different programming languages (regardless of their jobs or side hustles) then that's what I would expect. Don't blame the downvoters for reading that as misogynistic and demeaning to models, but that's not what I was intending. Just that much anyone claiming they can program in that many languages reads to me like they're really inflating their numbers to brag.

Though in retrospect I can see how a magazine (or another similar group) may want to pull that number out of her in an interview (so she wouldn't necessarily be bragging about it) and may not care about exactly how accurate or misleading the number could be compared to what they actually said.

[–] MufinMcFlufin 0 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Considering OP's "KERPLOOIE SNOW" I'm pretty sure they're aware of that and that was the joke.

[–] MufinMcFlufin 1 points 2 weeks ago

If you compare it to Nintendo's handheld line then it makes a lot more sense, especially considering the Switch Lite, and OLED Switch.

Gameboy, Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Light, Gameboy Color

Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, Gameboy Advance Micro

DS, DS Lite, DSi/XL


and now the Switch, Switch Lite, OLED Switch, and now the incremental hardware upgrade with the Switch 2

The Gameboy color, arguably the whole Advance line, DSi, arguably the whole 3DS line, and absolutely the N3DS/N2DS ones were definitely incremental upgrades.

Color obviously brought color and better hardware. Advance brought shoulder buttons and better hardware though no hardware changes within the advance line. DSi introduced the home screen and the online store to the DS line along with better hardware. 3DS brought better hardware and many advancements to the OS experience of the DSi. N3DS brought better hardware and a second joystick.

To me how Nintendo is treating the Switch 2 makes a lot more sense in comparison to the handheld consoles instead of home consoles.

[–] MufinMcFlufin 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Don't forget the N3DS which actually was more powerful than the original and had the second, tiny analog stick.

[–] MufinMcFlufin 2 points 2 weeks ago

Well don't forget the DSi, New 3DS, or the Gameboy Color. This feels like pretty much the same as any of those.

[–] MufinMcFlufin 1 points 2 weeks ago

Don't forget how it's becoming more and more likely you'll just get a counterfeit.

[–] MufinMcFlufin 3 points 1 month ago

This is one of my absolute favorite videos on YouTube. Excellent choice.

[–] MufinMcFlufin 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Internal combustion engine.

[–] MufinMcFlufin 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Some day I'd love to be the owner of a Curta calculator, but considering the cheapest I've ever seen them is $700 I don't think that'll ever be a Christmas gift. A tax refund gift to myself perhaps one day, but certainly not a Christmas gift.

[–] MufinMcFlufin 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

"Jack of all trades,

Master of none,

But still better than

A master of one."

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