
joined 1 year ago
[–] Mr_Dr_Oink 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Ok, i was trying to make a joke to diffuse what was clearly an attempt to argue with me in a serious way about something that i was only arguing in a light-hearted way.

I dont agree with you that someone being forced to join a military makes them exempt from any moral consideration when trying to determine whether to blow up a space station they are on.

What choice would you have made if you had a gun to your head?

[–] Mr_Dr_Oink 1 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Only a sith deals in absolutes!

[–] Mr_Dr_Oink 7 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Do you really want to drink and stop?

[–] Mr_Dr_Oink 5 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Its a bit misleading. Black clothes will absorb the heat from the sun and your body and then the clothes will cool via convection. So the wind blowing through the clothes takes the heat away. White will reflect the heat from the sun away and your body back towards you.

Im sure theres some debate and probably way more to it but i have always felt more comfortable in the heat than other people and i wear darker clothes the majority of the time. If that anecdote bares any weight.

[–] Mr_Dr_Oink 39 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

The designer said the bike really "spoke" to them.

[–] Mr_Dr_Oink 9 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Uuggh pfsense. I hate pfsense. Its great. But i hate it.

[–] Mr_Dr_Oink 2 points 2 weeks ago

Great film. I always considered the contracters to be closer to slave labourers. The empire took prisoners, if personal politics would get in the way then a laser gun would surely convince anyone unwilling to help.

[–] Mr_Dr_Oink 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (6 children)

Depends though doesn't it. Was it conscription or voluntary. Some of those military were forced to join the empire or have their planets blown up. Obviously many were zealots but im sure if it wasnt for vader, many of the soldiers wouldnt have joined.

When it comes to people being forced into the military is it still fair game?

[–] Mr_Dr_Oink 3 points 2 weeks ago

You know Mr Stevens?

Geoff Vader said he could kill him with a tray.

[–] Mr_Dr_Oink 31 points 2 weeks ago (26 children)

They blew up the death star! That was full of people. Thousands and thousands of soldiers and engineers, pilots etc. We all cheered. Id say it was pretty morally questionable.

[–] Mr_Dr_Oink 4 points 2 weeks ago

It's sort of ironic, isn't it? Tolerance and respect work both ways. Like we all have to tolerate these homophobes. So she is arguing against her own argument by making the argument.

[–] Mr_Dr_Oink 10 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Im 36 and i often forget that the 90s were about 20-30 years ago. I forget im not 20 sometimes, until i throw my back out.

If I had to guess, they meant to say something like 25 years ago.

Or not. Im not them, i dont know.

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