Yeah, that sounds about right. Mine is smaller and weighs about 40 pounds. I actually put it on my bathroom scale to see if it really was as heavy as I thought. Turns out, it is as heavy as I thought.
The Snapdragon 782G is actually from November 2022. So yeah, it's not super new, but it's not three years old either. It could have more RAM. But how do we know they won't do like they did last time with a higher-end model and a lower-end model? 8GB very well could be the low-end model this time around, with the high-end model having either 10GB or 12GB.
Eh, sorta. It’s possible that the CGI files may have finally been located, but I’m not sure. As far as I know, the Blu-Rays will be 4x3 instead of the originally-intended 16x9 aspect ratio. The show was filmed in 16x9 and J. Michael Stracznski intended to have the CGI re-rendered at some point when it could be done faster and cheaper, but the files were lost before that could be done.
Yeah, the DVDs kinda were widescreen, but that’s because they were cropped from 4x3 to 16x9.
How much does your PC weigh?
Right, but just because a browser is based on Chromium doesn't mean it has the Google spyware, right?
Shit! You’re right! Dammit! Now I gotta go back to Firefox!
Meesa thinks you is right!
Isn’t Chromium basically Chrome without the spyware?
He’ll move after the first big fart.
I used a program called CoreCtrl. I don’t think it’s in any distribution repositories, but you can install it from source, which doesn’t take too long. Though, you will need to add a special boot parameter to your GRUB file.