
joined 2 years ago
[–] MrGeekman 1 points 3 days ago

Just like Democrats, black people, and other groups, pro-lifers are not a monolith. There are good ones and bad ones.

[–] MrGeekman 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I actually know pro-lifers. I used to be a pretty ardent one myself. I used to be the sort that believed in no exceptions. Pro-lifers, or a least, a lot of them, don't see it as a means of controlling women or being detrimental in any way to them. They think they're helping the unborn and women by preventing abortions. They really do believe that. I'm sorry that you never got to meet any pro-lifers, or at least ones who aren't misogynistic.

[–] MrGeekman 1 points 3 weeks ago

When did I say that other wage earners were the enemy?

[–] MrGeekman -1 points 3 weeks ago

Democrats too.

[–] MrGeekman 0 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I agree with you on the unions, but the other issue is that a lot of jobs have been outsourced over the years. Unfortunately, those jobs probably aren't coming back.

[–] MrGeekman 5 points 3 weeks ago

Honestly, I'm more concerned about other stuff Cook has done to Apple, like taking away the headphone jack, making repairs impossible, essentially shutting down 3rd-party repair shops, etc.

[–] MrGeekman 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Actually, that's Africa. Africa is the birthplace of slavery. Also, unfortunately, every major civilization was built on the backs of slaves.

[–] MrGeekman 1 points 3 weeks ago

Laser surgery is also an option.

[–] MrGeekman 5 points 4 weeks ago

Paramount Plus is the same way.

[–] MrGeekman 2 points 4 weeks ago

If you're going to hang onto the files for the foreseeable future, there is a big difference. Streaming services only grang you access as long as you pay. You rent access from them. Just because you subscribe to Hulu doesn't mean you own anything. iTunes is a different story.


In particular, I’m talking about shows like The Mandalorian and Wandavision.


I upgraded from Debian Bookworm (Stable), which has kernel 6.1, to Debian Trixie (Testing), which has kernel 6.4. Until then, I couldn't overclock my GPU's VRAM beyond 1750 MHz. With kernel 6.4, I can overclock it as far as AMD will allow - 1860 MHz. If my 5600 XT hadn't been locked down by AMD, I'd be able to go further than 1820 MHZ on the GPU and 1860 on the VRAM.


For example, Polaris Slingshot or Aptera.


I recently purchased, ripped, and almost finished transcoding the entire series of Friends. I’m currently in the process of converting subtitles with Subtitle Edit. I’d like to save myself a bit of work by taking the last 13-14 characters off the ends of the file names.

For example, I’d like to take track13[spa] off of the following filename: 03x10 - The One Where Rachel Quits_track13_[spa].sup

Or is this not possible with Nautilus?


I recently purchased, ripped, and almost finished transcoding the entire series of Friends. I’m currently in the process of converting subtitles with Subtitle Edit. I’d like to save myself a bit of work by taking the last 13-14 characters off the ends of the file names.

For example, I’d like to take track13[spa] off of the following filename: 03x10 - The One Where Rachel Quits_track13_[spa].sup

Or is this not possible with Nautilus?

UPDATE: I found a solution. I asked about this on a few different instances and a user by the name of @inctinus supplied an answer which, while it didn't work right away in the way that I wanted, I was able to whittle it down so I could make it work in GPRename. Normally, I would have gone straight for the CLI, but I really wanted a GUI for this so I could have a preview. Their solution was (sans quotes) "rename 's/track\d*[spa]//' ", which I pared down to "_track\d_[spa] *" so it would work in GPRename.


I recently purchased, ripped, and almost finished transcoding the entire series of Friends. I'm currently in the process of converting subtitles with Subtitle Edit. I'd like to save myself a bit of work by taking the last 13-14 characters off the ends of the file names.

For example, I'd like to take track13[spa] off of the following filename: 03x10 - The One Where Rachel Quits_track13_[spa].sup

Or is this not possible with Nautilus?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by MrGeekman to c/[email protected]

I've had a Sound Blaster AE-5 Plus for about nine months. During that time, I've been experiencing a persistent crackling issue. I finally did some research, found some different solutions which reportedly worked for folks, tried a few, and one finally worked for me! Apparently, a bunch of things can cause this crackling issue.

In my case, it was the equalizer! I just had to disable that and bam! Problem solved! If only Creative had just left that feature disabled by default. Or in my case, the developer of the open-source drive, since I'm on Linux. The funny thing about it is that, depending on the cause, this crackling issue isn't limited to a single operating system or a single driver; Windows and Linux users alike are experiencing this problem - and Linux users like myself have to use an open-source driver (not that we mind) because Creative isn't interested in supporting Linux.

Creative would do themselves a big favor if they just had the equalizer disabled by default. Then people could notice the crackling only after enabling the equalizer and realizing right away that the equalizer was the cause of the crackling. Creative could probably improve sales and prevent returns.

If you're experiencing this issue and disabling the equalizer doesn't solve the problem, some other solutions I found from my research are disabling G-Sync, switching to a different version of the Nvidia driver, and switching the sound filter to fast roll-off.

You also might need to turn off extra stuff like Crystalizer, Dialog Plus,, and Smart Volume.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by MrGeekman to c/buildapc

I've had a Sound Blaster AE-5 Plus for about nine months. During that time, I've been experiencing a persistent crackling issue. I finally did some research, found some different solutions which reportedly worked for folks, tried a few, and one finally worked for me! Apparently, a bunch of things can cause this crackling issue.

In my case, it was the equalizer! I just had to disable that and bam! Problem solved! If only Creative had just left that feature disabled by default. Or in my case, the developer of the open-source drive, since I'm on Linux. The funny thing about it is that, depending on the cause, this crackling issue isn't limited to a single operating system or a single driver; Windows and Linux users alike are experiencing this problem - and Linux users like myself have to use an open-source driver (not that we mind) because Creative isn't interested in supporting Linux.

Creative would do themselves a big favor if they just had the equalizer disabled by default. Then people could notice the crackling only after enabling the equalizer and realizing right away that the equalizer was the cause of the crackling. Creative could probably improve sales and prevent returns.

If you're experiencing this issue and disabling the equalizer doesn't solve the problem, some other solutions I found from my research are disabling G-Sync, switching to a different version of the Nvidia driver, and switching the sound filter to fast roll-off.

You also might need to turn off extra stuff like Crystalizer, Dialog Plus,, and Smart Volume.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by MrGeekman to c/pcmasterrace

I've had a Sound Blaster AE-5 Plus for about nine months. During that time, I've been experiencing a persistent crackling issue. I finally did some research, found some different solutions which reportedly worked for folks, tried a few, and one finally worked for me! Apparently, a bunch of things can cause this crackling issue.

In my case, it was the equalizer! I just had to disable that and bam! Problem solved! If only Creative had just left that feature disabled by default. Or in my case, the developer of the open-source drive, since I'm on Linux. The funny thing about it is that, depending on the cause, this crackling issue isn't limited to a single operating system or a single driver; Windows and Linux users alike are experiencing this problem - and Linux users like myself have to use an open-source driver (not that we mind) because Creative isn't interested in supporting Linux.

Creative would do themselves a big favor if they just had the equalizer disabled by default. Then people could notice the crackling only after enabling the equalizer and realizing right away that the equalizer was the cause of the crackling. Creative could probably improve sales and prevent returns.

If you're experiencing this issue and disabling the equalizer doesn't solve the problem, some other solutions I found from my research are disabling G-Sync, switching to a different version of the Nvidia driver, and switching the sound filter to fast roll-off.

You also might need to turn off extra stuff like Crystalizer, Dialog Plus,, and Smart Volume.

Title Spelled Wrong (self.therightcantmeme)

I guess the left can't spell. /s

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