It's capitalism in the education sector.
Dude talking like he's never even heard of Schadenfreude... Not only is it cathartic, but it's educational if you pay attention to what people are making fun of.
What to learn from the cybertruck? That billionares are fucking morons and that the meritocracy is a lie. They, in fact, do not deserve their wealth. Any of them, but especially not Elongated Muskrat.
If they've lived SEVENTY YEARS and haven't come to realize that black people and lgbtq+ people are JUST normal people trying to live a moderately different life...
Then yes, yes they are maliciously stupid. Ignorance eventually becomes a choice after so many oportunities have been passed up.
Nobody chooses to be stupid. It is a reflection of how little thought they've put in to it.
Then they're maliciously stupid. It doesn't have to be one or the other.
Yea, I've definitely seen "normal" rings that this one looks better than.