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[–] MonkRome 1 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

By comparable, I mean from point a to point b. If you have a 10 mile commute to work, you have a slightly higher lethality driving a car on a highway, than biking to work, but you have a higher chance of non-lethal injury by biking.

[–] MonkRome 4 points 4 weeks ago (4 children)

From what I recall it really depends on how you classify danger. Bikes are more dangerous for non-lethal injuries. But any car trip that you drive over 45 mph is slightly more lethal than biking per comparable trip. So it depends on what danger you're willing to risk.

[–] MonkRome 6 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I looked it up, named after how you eat it, by pulling it apart like a monkey.

[–] MonkRome 2 points 1 month ago

Getting caught up with semantics arguments seems like a waste of energy. Because, genocide or not, for many people impacted by any war with disproportionate power imbalance, it sure as fuck is as horrific as a genocide regardless of how one defines it. (I'm not necessarily criticizing the use of the word by some, I just think many activists get bogged down in defending the use word rather than addressing the horror.)

[–] MonkRome 0 points 1 month ago (2 children)

At no point did I ever say that killing people was good. The only one on here advocating killing people is you, you literally said you would kill people on this thread. The fact that you're accusing others of being genocide apologists while advocating killing people is laughable. Go outside and touch grass, you clearly need a break from the Internet.

[–] MonkRome 0 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Either engage in the conversation or don't, but don't pretend you addressed anything I said.

[–] MonkRome 0 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (6 children)

If I was part of the kkk but realized I believed nothing the kkk believed in, would I stick around? Pretending that just because they improved their public relations means that their organization radically changed their beliefs is magical thinking. I don't believe in magic.

Hamas still openly believes that all of the Middle East is for Muslims only, that all of it should be under control of Sunni Muslim fundamentalist control, and that no non Muslims should even live in the Middle East. How do you think they believe they will get to that point?

Again, Israel is entirely responsible for their actions, but pretending that Hamas are just regular old freedom fighters is entirely a lie. The victims here are the civilians, there are far too many victims. But I don't look at the religious fundamentalist bigots and see victims, they are part of the problem. All be it without the power to enact their hate fully.

[–] MonkRome 4 points 1 month ago (8 children)

Do you think when the kkk revises their language to be all dog whistles instead of outright saying what they mean that this changes their goals?

Israel are the baddies right now, but if Hamas had the power Israel has they would be commiting genocide. The key is Israel has the power and they are killing people. It's okay to focus on the current wrong without lying about a subset of the current victims...

[–] MonkRome 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Any regular person putting significant cash in individual stocks instead of index funds is just gambling. All US broad market index funds beat inflation over every 10 year period since index funds have existed.

[–] MonkRome 1 points 1 month ago

Transportation pales in comparison to heating and cooling homes and businesses. The single greatest thing we can do to reduce climate change from a policy standpoint involves reducing that. From work at home, to multi family zoning, to converting business skyscrapers into living space, to increasing efficiency and fossil fuels from energy production. And all that does a lot to improve transportation environmental costs as well.

[–] MonkRome 1 points 1 month ago

Under your simplified system a person making 55k brings in less than someone making 49k. Which disincentives getting a raise at that salary range. There is a reason that currently we only tax money over the brackets set.

Progressive taxation isn't really the problem here though, our low tax on investment profit is. We should also probably enforce a 2% wealth tax on anyone making over a billion dollars.

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