You can submit just about anything as evidence in court. So the bar to call something evidence is really low. Not sure why that's the hill you want to die on when there are far better ones.
And you know I am not suggesting anything is uniform. But I was referring to an election result. So it's just the percent that matters in the end.
Ahhh the manuals... and the mail order hint guides. Those were the days.
Not yet, but I am old enough... lol
Since I know you love this stuff... Take a group of 100 people. And ask them to pick A or B. 75% of them choose A. If you then pick a radom subset, the odds are that more than half picked A. Of course there exist subsets that didn't. But that is just how percentages work. That would be evidence, but not proof. Because odds are the subset would have picked A over B, but it isn't proof that the subset did. So. There is no particular reason to think that the subset of rural voters who have no ups and such are exceptionally different from all rural voters as a whole. They may be, but odds are they aren't. Thus evidence, and not proof. Your implication is that rural voters who don't have ups and such service voted more for Harris than Trump? He didn't run on abolishing the usps. So why would that aspect make a difference? In general, rural voters are the ones that will be hurt most by trumps policies, yet per the link, they voted for him. See what I did there. I gave you the next thing to pivot to.
If it's on a cd, it ain't old yet.
You mistake evidence with ironclad proof. They are not the same.
They are different, but one is a subset of the other.
That's why you belong on reddit.
That tribe in india disagrees with you. They kill anyone not part of thier tribe on sight. But I will agree that kids aren't born racist. But human nature causes humans to form groups for protection. So they learn race is an easy group to form and identify. Society sure doesn't help prevent it much either.
Sure.. but what else is a network without a license to broadcast going to do with all it's money. Though really, all they have to do is keep broadcasting. The feds will probably have to sue them.
Maybe they all wanted his autograph too. I wonder who thier health insurance provider is...
Just a witty come back? Nothing more.