yeah it was fun. i was wondering what's the actual incentive for cooks to "compete" there. i was hoping for a prize like a great job or money or some career aids for them. not just a rock.
Have you looked into alternative production companies? Erika Lust is my go-to for queer, feminist, equality-focused, fair porn. They have some stuff that's specifically catered to bisexuals, too. Try it out
I usually just use a nearby shop to get my pictures printed. If I need anything better, I order online
Imagine saying "it dishonours the victims" to one of the actual victims
It works in-game. I can't speak to the real life
is it just 10 times Trump?
i don't know what you've been smoking, but every day is a lifetime of men.
Am 30. Januar dieses Jahr kam der bundesweit bekannte Fahrradaktivist Natenom bei einem Verkehrsunfall im Enzkreis ums Leben. Jetzt hat das Amtsgericht Pforzheim Strafbefehl gegen einen 78-jährigen Autofahrer erlassen und ein zweimonatiges Fahrverbot gegen den Mann verhängt. Der Angeklagte hat Einspruch eingelegt.
Alles an diesem Absatz ist katastrophal. Seit dem 30. Januar???! Zwei Monate Fahrverbot???! Einspruch??!
Remember how many people made fun of those bumper stickers that said "when the last tree has been felled" and stuff like that? Yeah seems like they were right. It "may" represent a turning point, after a hurricane...
ELI5: what is a radio bubble? I've read through the article but it doesn't really say what this means
yeah you just have to not work so you can take care of your kids and elders yourself. of "people you know" will just do it for free? how about teachers? how about daycare?