
joined 2 years ago
[–] Metz 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

We're talking about fractions of a cent here per post. Of course, this all needs to be worked out in detail and variables and scaling needs to be added / calculated. So for someone that posts only 2-3 times a day, costs and delay are practically unmeasurable low. but if you start pushing 100 posts out per minute, the difficulty of the PoW calculation gets up.

A delay of a fraction of a second to do the PoW for a single post is not a problem. But a spam-bot that is now suddenly limited to making 1 post per minute instead 100 makes a huge difference and could drive up the price even for someone with deep pockets.

But I'm not an expert in this field. I only know that spambots and similar are a problem that is almost as old as the Internet and that there have been an almost incalculable number of attempts to solve it to date, all of which have more or less failed. But maybe we can find a combination that could work for our specific case.

Of course, there are still a lot of things to clarify. how do we stop someone from constantly creating new accounts, for example?

would we have to start with a “harder difficulty” for new users to counteract this?

do we need some kind of reputation system?

How do we set them accurately enough not to drive away new users but still fulfill their purpose?

But as said, not an expert. Just brainstorming here.

[–] Metz 5 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Can't this simply be circumvented by the attackers operating several Lemmy servers of their own? That way they can pump as many messages into the network as they want. But with PoW the network would only accept the messages work was done for.

[–] Metz 2 points 5 months ago (6 children)

Long before cryptocurrencies existed, proof-of-work was already being used to hinder bots. For every post, vote, etc., a cryptographic task has to be solved by the device used for it. Imperceptibly fast for the normal user, but for a bot trying to perform hundreds or thousands of actions in a row, a really annoying speed bump.

See e.g.

This combined with more classic blockades such as CAPTCHAs (especially image recognition, which is still expensive in mass despite the advances in AI) should at least represent a first major obstacle.

[–] Metz 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Oh for fucks sake..

And it is the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. just lol.

Well many others are still here..

[–] Metz 7 points 5 months ago (6 children)

Part of the german gov already moved to Mastodon at or at least posting there the same posts as on the other plattform. But i can well imagine they dropping Shitter completely.

[–] Metz 9 points 5 months ago (2 children)

The ability to recognize sarcasm doesn't seem to be particularly developed on Lemmy.

And if fucking hate the /s.

[–] Metz 44 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (30 children)

Well in germany you would get up to 3 years prison time for trying that bullshit. because it absolutely is animal abuse. quote the The German Veterinary Association for Animal Welfare

"A strictly vegan cat diet [would] be tantamount to an unauthorized, uncontrolled animal experiment and violates § 3 No. 10 of the Animal Welfare Act "

“Force-feeding for the purpose of an ideologically justified change of diet to vegetarian rations is a violation of § 3 No. of the Animal Welfare Act”

[–] Metz 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

You are moving the goalpost. again. The talk was about the Internet Archive providing a copy of my website to the public. Not you storing it somewhere on your drive for personal use. Although that's also a rather tricky legal matter.

But nice for you to agree with the rest. Yes, you could at one point publish a copy. 70 Years after my death. and not a second before that. and only if its not specific protected because i contains personal information. i think the protection is not limited in that case.

[–] Metz 0 points 5 months ago (2 children)

You compare entirely different things here. I'm talking about a website i own not a product i sell. And no, this "on the internet forever" is complete and utter nonsense that was never true to begin with. the amount of stuff lost to time easely dwarfs the one still around.

[–] Metz -3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (25 children)

I'm not sure if i can agree with that. A third party cannot simply override the rights of the owner. If i want my website gone, i want it gone from everywhere. no exception.

That kinda also goes in the whole "Right to be forgotten" direction. I have absolute sovereignty over my data. This includes websites created by me.

[–] Metz 4 points 5 months ago (1 children)

i wish he would still update wine-ge as well. the whole umu-launcher situation is quite a mess and it's very unreliable.

[–] Metz 7 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Ich bin so müde..

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