Don't let individuals amass the wealth of a nation state.
Or, idk, regulators could like, do their jobs.
If you say so, buddy.
Makeup the super experimental deep 'sea' (gas giant) diver of the day. Sounds like interesting gameplay.
Or get flung out in an incredible gravity slingshot! I'm down for that mini game
Sounds incredible! Very interested
Pop Pop boats are really simple steam engine systems.
Maybe a little higher for your budget, but I think we can get you the best of both worlds.
Grab a set of two pin FiiO UTWS3 and Moondrop Arias. Boom. You got wireless Bluetooth ear-hook modules, which I find work great for working out, and your can rock wired, if you feel like it.
Bonus - you can use the FIIO UTWS3 with any other 2 pined or MMCX iem. Actually looks like the UTWS3 is cheaper in the MMCX version, so grab yourself so MMCX iems, if you don't already have some.
Another route to consider, and may be more economical in the long run, you could get yourself a Bluetooth dongle amp/receiver and plug in whatever headphones you have/want. Here is a basic/solid suggestion: FiiO BTR3K
This may be worth considering for your price point because while wireless headphones have gotten very cheap, they still have to do multiple jobs in one package. They are a headphone, battery, and wireless amp/receiver all in one package. That is convenient, but to make that cheap, you typically have to sacrifice on many of those fronts. However, if you put that same wireless headphone budget to just a wired headphone, you would have vastly improved audio quality because it is just doing one thing - being a headphone.
Similar goes for the FIIO BTR3K. It is doing only two jobs for you. Being a battery and handling all the wireless audio. Less to break, less to go wrong, and more options for you to plug in your favorite headphones without settling for Amazon's cheapest. Treat yo self.
Campfire Cascade for that bone shaking bass.
Schitt Audio and ifi may have good options for you too. Maybe the Schitt Hel, ifi Uno, or ifi hip-dac could fit the bill.
Think of all the extra searches!