This song is proof nothing has changed in over forty years.
This person fucks.
Its more than a feeling.
I was in a meeting now security is on their way.
We are too busy getting shit done to worry about the idiots.
I have always had a very good map of my surroundings in mind. I'm pretty sure it applies in the water. Once during some water rescue training they had a class where they gave us opaque googles and spun us in the water so we could experience what it would be like in dark murky water with no sight reference. No matter what they did the second they let go of me I shot straight for the surface. It really bothered the instructor that I could do that. He wasn't really happy with my beating his best time underwater on one breath contest by two minutes. He shouldn't have bragged beforehand then everyone wouldn't have known.
Schadenfreude. I mean they probably didn't invent the feeling but I can give them credit for it along with the word.
They bought a rainbow. You gotta believe that cost some cash.