They probably saved the onions and made a soup.
Season 2 one actor can pretend to be pregnant to keep the relationship going. Than doesn't give real birth, but hires a baby actor.
Having a certain diet or political affiliation doesn't make you a good or bad person. Because we all aren't just black and white stereotypes.
A different Call of Cthulhu.
There have been a few books I tried reading because they were hyped up by media or came from a top 10 list.
All I can say is I'm glad I didn't finish them out of some sense of completion. It's ok to not like something and give it up.
I worked with someone who would bring a salad everyday to our meetings and cut it up and crunch the entire time, even when people were talking.
Their reasoning? They had to eat and didn't take lunch because they had soooo many meetings.
Did they do any actual work, oh hell no. They just blew wind out their ass to the right people and crunched on salads all day to appear busy well everyone else did the work and took normal lunches like normal people should.
Obviously it's a key that needs to be inserted into an ancient titan robot to power it back up.
Tartigrades are sith.
Same reason they freaked the fuck out when we all had to shelter at home because of COVID. Didn't last long because they needed meat for the grinder and forced a lot of back to work regardless of the risks.
Normally I boil my own water, possibly multiple times a day. I try to keep a tight grip on my handle or I might splash some in my face.
This is how my folks dropped me off everywhere.