Gobblin' a moblin.
This is so old the jpg started to rust.
I post randomly and without logic to confuse the sand worms.
Oh my aching head...! Would you lugs please bloody focus...?
Sneak King?
Brings up my favorite theory. If ghosts exist, surely their is a few caveman ghosts floating about. Probably haunting a mall or a place utterly foreign and confusing to his primitive mind. Only ended up there because thousands of years ago that is where his yurt was.
Anyhow would make for an awesome retro horror movie plot. Call it "Ooga BOO-ga".
Beyond the weird AI quirks, there is a lot with the overall composition that competent artist or designer wouldn't do. Random blurs on things in motion with no apparent purpose and just distract. The perspective of the crowd is just weirdly stacked like filler. Using atmospheric perspective improperly. This is like a soup of artist tricks applied improperly.
Everything appears to be chaos with no logical order or intent to guide the viewer. The overall hierarchy of key elements is way off, there is no hint where or what to look at. The title is almost lost in the mess.
Anyhow just appears like something AI would do or a very untrained designer who doesn't understand visual communication well.
Looks like they would have been better off snapping a photo during the filming than cobbling together this visual abomination.
What's worse is people who see this and praise it instead of calling them out.
So that scene where he pulls off half his mask to kiss Mary Jane could be different in this universe.