Also when sorting by "hot" I see posts without any comments. Always been a lurker in Reddit, here i'm trying to make my best to comment whenever I have something "intelligent/funny" to say (Rarely but still... :D ).
joined 2 years ago
But hear me out... What if...
Barely noticeable... /s
No way to download them all, right?
Am I the only one in the world who loved Patapon and wanted a sequel? 😁
Woa Woa easy there! That’s NSFW material ! /s
Unfortunately it seems it does not work with Firefox right now... For anyone wondering why the page stays in an infinite loading, this seems to be the reason:
Is there really something useful Alexa can do? Beside what you already wrote I can’t find anything else. Oh, maybe you can turn on and off appliances in your house, provided that you have a smart home :D
Can someone explain me what “trash me with comments” means ? People are just commenting with insults ?
But won't you draw in a bunch of hot air?